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Gatchell Announces Release Date for Bomber Mountain Book

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A book on the Bomber Crash in the Bighorn Mountains during World War II has a set release date of April 22 of this year.

That is according to Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum Director Sylvia Bruner. 

In a release from Bruner, she said the book, entitled Wyoming Bomber Crash of 1943 is being published by The History Press

Copies will be available from parent company, Arcadia Publishing on April 22. 

Copies can be pre-ordered now from Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or through the museum itself.

To be placed on a pre-order list, call (307) 684-9331 or email

All book sales from the museum help its operating budget. 

Bruner said, “I am very excited for this book to be published and am forever grateful for the incredible help and support I’ve received over the last few years in this endeavor. I am humbled to be allowed to share a bit about the men who died far too young in the Bighorn Mountains back in 1943.” 

She will be sharing updates on her website

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