Arvada-Clearmont School’s First Self-Defense Class

The first self-defense class at Arvada/Clearmont School was held on Monday, Jan. 13. The new class is a part of the Physical Education curriculum at the school and is open to students and staff.
Cameron Spade, K-12 PE teacher talked about the class, saying he felt it was a good idea.
Brady McLean, one of two black belts, (Jeremy Williams is the other) of Grindhouse Self Defense, in Sheridan, is one of the teachers of the self-defense class. He explained why he feels it is important for kids to know, and how he came to teach the class at A/C School.

He said that Jonathan Broersma, fifth grade teacher, and Superintendent Chase Christensen contacted them, as they were looking for something to offer that would enhance the lives of the students.
He said if they can remove that anxiety baseline and keep youngsters from feeling so vulnerable and giving them the confidence to feel that if someone tries to bully them, they will be ready for it.
SCSD#3 Maintenance Director Mike Buss, who trained in self-defense skills in the military, was watching the class, and he had this to say,
He added that repetition is the key to be able to instantly recall it, should the need arise and that the more they do it, the more they retain.

“You’ve got these guys teaching amazing techniques, grappling is vital, especially in a fight or flight situation. These guys are teaching them the basis, and the basis will keep you out of trouble.”
He added that it’s great exercise as well.

The class will be held every other Monday until school is out for the summer.
Grindhouse Sheridan is located at 331 Broadway (side door in Northeast corner), Sheridan, and they can be contacted through their Facebook page.