“Be The Light” at SHS Tomorrow Night

Sheridan high school will hold another “Be The Light” recognition tomorrow evening at Homer Scott stadium.
The lights will come on at 8:20 pm and remain on until 8:40 in honor of those who work in the medical field, the class of 2020, and all spring extra-curricular students whose season was canceled due to covid-19 they will also have a special recognition for their senior soccer players.
They are asking that people who want to attend please stay in their cars, travel up 5th street then north on Mydland road and enter the bus loop on the north end of the stadium as you drive around the bus loop they can recognize our senior soccer players.
Those seniors will be situated by social distancing guidelines around the loop upon exiting the bus loop, drivers should travel north on Mydland to Hill Pond drive.
Sheridan Media will be broadcasting Senior soccer information on 14-10 KWYO and 106.9 FM during the recognition Bronc and Lady Bronc soccer coaches Kevin Riser and Scott Soderstrom will be joining us for a special broadcast
Soderstrom made a visit yesterday to Sheridan Media and he says it’s a tough situation and all they can do is move on and try to make the best of what may come over the next several weeks.
They want to remind everyone to stay in your cars and not congregate together as you travel on the route.
the police department will be on site to assist in traffic flow.
SHS will hold another “Be The Light” May 15th during which we will recognize our Senior track and field students,