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WYDOT Snowplow Hit Southwest Of Dayton

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Photo Courtesy: WYDOT

A snowplow making its rounds on U.S. 14 west of Dayton was hit on Saturday, January 4th.

The driver of a Honda CR-V lost control on a turn while heading east and hit an oncoming WYDOT snowplow.

The plow truck was performing a shoulder cut on the westbound lane when the crash occurred.

There were minor injuries to the driver and passenger of the Honda and no injuries to the driver of the snowplow.

The crash occurred at 1:00 p.m. at milepost 78.5 on U.S. 14.

Road conditions at the time reported snowfall with slick roads with limited visibility.

The driver of the Honda was cited for driving too fast for conditions.

The plow blade received major damage and will be totaled.

This is the seventh plow to be hit this season in the state and the first in District 4.

WYDOT reminds drivers to be mindful when driving in winter conditions.

This includes checking road conditions before traveling, driving at a speed suitable for the conditions, and watching for snowplows.

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