JCSD1 Survey Seeks Opinions on Gun Legislation

Johnson County School District #1 (JCSD1) is asking for input from the community on two proposed state bills concerning firearms.
The first is Senate File 37, the Enhanced Concealed Carry in School Zones and the second is House Bill 0172, Repeal Gun-Free Zones and Preemption Amendments.
This survey is seeking to gather feedback from students, parents, and staff to understand their perspectives on these bills and their potential impact on school environments.
According to a release from the school district, the feedback collected will be shared with local legislators to inform their decisions and will also guide the district in developing policies and practices to ensure the safety, comfort, and well-being of students and staff, should these bills become law.
Key Survey Goals are (A) to Understand Community Perspectives: Gather diverse viewpoints from the school community about the proposed legislation.
(B) to Inform Policymakers: Provide local legislators with insights into how the community feels about enhanced concealed carry in schools.
And (C) to Guide Policy Development: Use the survey results to shape district policies and procedures if the bills are enacted.
In the release, Superintendent Charles Auzqui said, “These proposed bills have significant implications for our schools, and it’s essential that we consider the perspectives of students, parents, and staff. If either of these bills pass, this survey information will help guide the creation of policies that reflect the values and priorities of our community while maintaining a focus on student safety and educational success.”
Surveys can be found on the district’s website.
We have provided a link here: