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RAISE Grant Application

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The planning and development stages for the West Corridor project began as early as 1965. According to the City of Sheridan,  in 2008, the City developed strategic goals and initial estimates for construction costs to provide a new transportation corridor along the west side of town and alleviate traffic congestion and safety concerns in downtown and pass-through neighborhoods. This corridor would provide more direct access from Big Goose Highway/Loucks and the Interstate to West 5th Street where the Hospital, the Fairgrounds, Sheridan High School and other businesses are located. The corridor would also help serve industrial equipment and heavy machinery to avoid utilizing the downtown area and adjacent neighborhoods to reach the Interstate.

The Sheridan City Council will soon be considering a resolution authorizing the submission of an application to the United States Department of Transportation for a “Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity” Planning Grant for the West Corridor Expansion Project. City Public Works Director Hanns Mercer provided the details of the planning grant at this week’s City Council study session.

City Public Works Director Hanns Mercer

Mercer said that the City has received 11 letters of support from various individuals, agencies and companies in town and that they anticipate at least six additional letters of support to go along with the City’s application for the grant to the U.S. Department of Transportation.  The grant application must be submitted by the end of the month. The City Council will be considering the resolution authorizing submission of the grant at their next regular business meeting.

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