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Top Stories from SCSD#3 2024

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JuneApproval of School Greenhouse

Wednesday, June 12 The board approved to award the contract for the purchase and construction of a greenhouse to the Greenhouse Megastore.

Superintendent Chase Christensen said this about the greenhouse project.

On Oct. 2, in conjunction with Wyoming’s Farm to School Day, which promotes local foods in schools, Arvada/Clearmont School held a community lunch, and many of the vegetables served with the meal, including potatoes, cucumbers, and some of the tomatoes, were grown by the students at the school. With the greenhouse, growing vegetables for the school lunches can be expanded.

As of December, the greenhouse at the school is nearly complete.

NovemberCell Phone Use Policy

Last year, SCSD#3 enacted a policy on cell phone use, and the student council students helped to draft the new policy. Superintendent Chase Christensen

Christensen said that with the cell phones he sees two different things.

The cell phone policy is working at the school, “We’ve had students reported to teachers that they are learning better since the policy is in place.”

DecemberSCSD#3 Board Discusses Self-Defense Classes

At the December 11 SCSD#3 Board of Trustees meeting, Superintendent Chase Christen said that he and Mr. Spade, A/C physical education teacher had been working on continuing to help the students develop self-defense skills and confidence. “We feel this is important for our students to have,” Christensen said.

Two guests, Jeremy Williams and Brady McLean, talked to the SCSD#3 board about the benefits of offering a self -defense class for students and staff.

Williams added that wanting to learn to fight will bring people in the door, and some people want to learn to fight for whatever reason.

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