Clearmont Historical Group Annual Ice Cream Social

The Fourth Annual Ice Cream Social and Silent auction to benefit the Clearmont Historical Center will be held on Sunday, August 4, from 11-2, or until the ice cream is gone, at the Branding Iron Park in Clearmont.
The ice cream social was started in 2021, when Ira Roadifer, Historical Group Member, thought it sounded like a good idea for a hot summer day. For the first one, Roadifer hand churned the ice cream, but he decided not to carry on that tradition.

There will be a variety of toppings for the ice-cream, and various silent auction items on display. If anyone has an item they would like to donate to the silent auction, contact the Clearmont Historical Center at 307-758-4685.
Everyone is welcome and the event is free.

Upcoming events include the Fall Colors Tour along the Powder River coming up on September 21. For more information or to make a reservation, contact the Clearmont Historical Center 758-4685.