Drivers, watch for kids out enjoying summer

With the release of class throughout Sheridan County, the parks and streets will soon see an influx of children out enjoying their summer vacation.
While appearing on Sheridan Meida’s Public Pulse program, Sheridan Police Department Lieutenant Dan Keller advised listeners on ways to keep kids safe this year while they are out running around this summer season.
Kids are not paying attention the way adults do, according to Keller, they are usually focused on playing, running or chasing the ball that got away. Keller said that is all the more reason drivers need to remain attentive and avoid the temptation of distracted driving.
Every year in the summer season, approximately 550,000 children are injured while riding bikes. Wearing a helmet will reduce the chance of a head injury by 85%, according to the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute. The use of a bicycle helmet also seriously reduces the chance that a bike accident, which involves a motor vehicle, will be fatal for the cyclist.