Clearmont Town Council Met Monday

The Clearmont Town Council met Monday night, Jan. 20, with a light agenda.
Clerk Kristie Auzqui reported that there were 10 total past due utility payments, and one shut-off notice was issued, but the resident came in and paid the past due bill.
She said she had received written cards as well as calls thanking the council members for the hams given out over Christmas.
Mayor Chris Schock talked about the upcoming WAM conference and the 2025 Legislative session. “There will be 800 bills down there. They will be in session until March second.” He added that some bills won’t make it to the floor.
Auzqui added that she is planning to go to Cheyenne to the WAM conference as well as going to the Wyoming State Archives.
Councilman Kaelan Haring, recreation district representative, reported on the recreation district due to the recent fire in the building,
In unfinished business, Auzqui talked about sponsoring an ad in the Clear Creek Recreation District newsletter, which is published three times a year.
She passed out a dummy copy of the newsletter, showing the different size ads and the prices for them. The council voted to approve to sponsor a half page ad for the newsletter, at the cost of $150 per year.

The council also voted to approve their support of the “Go-Getter” program with the Sheridan Press to honor outstanding students.
Council also discussed how much to charge residents who want their utilities paused for several months if they go on an extended vacation.
Town Hall will be closed from Jan. 21 at noon until Jan 24 for the WAM Conference. Next meeting will be held on Feb. 17, at 6 p.m. at town hall.