Several Recognized at SCSD#2 Board of Trustees Meeting

There were several recognitions at the Monday, January 13 SCSD#2 Board of Trustees meeting. Mike Swan, Principal of Story Elementary and J.C. Schiffer, talked about Story Elementary and what they were doing there this year.
Jeff Mowry recognized Raith Durham as Football Co-Assistant Coach of the Year; Mowry was named 4A Football Coach of the Year; Chad Rose, SHS Music teacher, was named the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) Section 8 Music Educator of the Year & Wyoming Music Educator Association (WMEA) Teacher of the Year.
Kasey Garnhart and Grace Cannon introduced the SHS Fall Darma students; and Ryan Walker, Chad Rose and Ashley Lecholat introduced several All-State Music students. Michael Thomas and several members of the We the People State Championship team were acknowledge by the board as well.
In his report, Superintendent Scott Stults mentioned the many accolades received.

He talked about his next SCSD#2 district conversations.
He also talked about a third pre-school in the district.

He continued on some of the district goals and graduation rates and how the students are learning in Sheridan District #2 as compared to other schools in the state. He said the focus continues to focus on student learning. Another topic discussed was the SCSD#2 website and making it more user friendly.
Stults also talked about the cooperative agreement between SCSD#2, Johnson County Schools and SCSD#1 on the new softball team that was discussed last year.
He added that with this cooperation they can possibly have a Varsity and a JV team.
One community member, Douglas Wheeler, spoke about the masks on students during the pandemic. He felt the masks were detrimental to the students during that time. He presented the board members with a paper, the “After Action Review of the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward” report from the U.S. House of Representatives.
The board also approved the replacement of one school bus. Shawn Stevens, transportation director, explains why,
The board moved to accept the Business Manager Brandon Finney’s Memorial Fund Scholarship Recommendations School Year 2025-2026