Tourism Director Provides Winter Rodeo Update

The 2021 Sheridan WYO Winter Rodeo was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the event may return in 2022. Sheridan County Travel and Tourism Director Shawn Parker at a City Council study session Monday night, presented a proposed date of Saturday, February 19 for skijoring races on Broadway Street in downtown Sheridan.
Parker said a full schedule of winter rodeo events will be released in the coming weeks once the event receives approval from the City Council. The Council is expected to officially consider the request for the event at their regularly scheduled business meeting Monday night.

edward capp
November 10, 2021 at 8:46 am
If only we had a place where there was a track, truck/trailer parking, spectator parking, restrooms, and didn’t have to close an ambulance thoroughfare….
Do the rest of you Sheridan citizens accept the fact that Shawn Parker spends an unnecessary amount of YOUR tax dollars doing something that could have the costs cut substantially?
Joseph Barani
November 10, 2021 at 9:29 am
Folks that attend the Sheridan winter rodeo seem to love the event. Usually they have attended a winter rodeo in some other place before.
I agree that the director of Sheridan travel and tourism wastes a lot of our time and money.