Nursing graduates receive pins

Over 20 associate degree nursing students were pinned by members of their family or friends in ceremonies Saturday morning at Sheridan College.
The pinning ceremony is a special recognition of the student’s hard work and dedication as he or she works to become a nurse. Louise Posten, director of nursing, described her position as “a dream job.”
Other speakers during the event included Dr. Walter Tribley, president of the Northern Wyoming Community College District; Tobie Alsup, assistant director of nursing; and Sydney Podrazik, one of the graduates.
Also during the ceremonies, Jessica Misslin, president of the Class of 2021, passed the lamp to a representative of the nursing class of 2022. That ceremony is in recognition of Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, who became known as “the Lady with the Lamp.”
As the students were pinned by spouses, children, parents, grandparents or friends, they presented flowers to those honoring them, and pre-recorded introductions by each student were played.
At the end of the ceremony, the newly pinned nurses recited the International Pledge for Nurses, and nurses in the audience were invited to join them.