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Stop the spread of aquatic invasive species; become a watercraft inspector

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The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is offering training for members of the public to become a certified Wyoming aquatic invasive species inspector. This training will provide the skills necessary to inspect personally-owned and other watercraft as well.

During an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse. Game and Fish Public Information Specialist Christina Schmidt told listeners a few of the things to expect from the training. 

C. Schmidt

The training is free and open to anyone interested in preventing the spread of AIS through watercraft inspection. The training will be conducted in Sheridan on May 7, at the Sheridan Game and Fish Regional Office. 

Training is offered as a one-day course from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. throughout the spring in statewide locations. Registration deadline is one week prior to the class start date.

Aquatic invasive species can be aquatic animals such as zebra and quagga mussels or rusty crayfish, or aquatic vegetation such as hydrilla.

To register or for more information, contact Josh Leonard at (307) 721-1374 or Please provide your name, mailing address, phone number and email address. Those interested can also register online.

April 10EvanstonBear Community Center
April 17Gering, NebraskaLegacy of the Plains Museum 
April 17Green RiverGreen River Game and Fish Regional Office
April 17CasperCasper Game and Fish Regional Office
April 25Spearfish, South
May 1LanderLander Game and Fish Regional Office
May 7SheridanSheridan Game and Fish Regional Office
May 8CheyenneGame and Fish Headquarters
May 14CodyCody Game and Fish Regional Office
May 15RawlinsJeffrey Center
June 19JacksonJackson Game and Fish Regional Office
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