Sheridan Commission OK’s Funding for Artwork at Brooks St. Greenspace

Sheridan County’s Commissioners discussed approving 1% GPET (General Purpose Excise Tax) Contingency Funding for artwork displays in the Brooks Street Greenspace adjacent to the county courthouse.
County Administrative Director Cameron Duff gave details during the commission’s last meeting.
Chairman Nick Siddle explained that the Brooks Street project would become part of the rotation of artwork that is currently displayed throughout downtown Sheridan.
Commissioner Holly Jennings and Harry Pollack both spoke against using public funds for these types of projects.
The commission then voted 4 to 1 to approve using $9,000 from the 1% GPET Funding for the project, with Jennings voting against.

Thomas Jones
January 5, 2025 at 9:24 pm
Thank you, Holly. If the people are going to pay for this, then the people should decide which art work should be accepted, and which artwork should be placed where.
edward capp
January 6, 2025 at 8:17 am
Is there an itemized list of total costs for the Brooks Street Greenspace? I think the public should be fully aware of how much tax dollars were wasted, I mean spent on this project.
jim jurosek
January 6, 2025 at 10:10 am
If you are going to do this it would be good if you could somehow use a local sculptor instead of someone from out of county or out of state that nobody knows.
Dennis Fox
January 13, 2025 at 2:41 pm
Yep, if you’re going to waste tax-payer money, it might as well go to a local. That’s the same logic that the bank-robber boss uses when he “spreads the loot around” among all the robbers. It’ll keep them quiet on the crime, if you share with everybody involved.
Well no more loot-sharing in Sheridan County. The vast majority of taxpayers will never see any benefit from the 3 million-dollar Brooks Street flowerpot. We resent the waste of our money and will now actively resist the Excess Tax and related fraud.
The liberal, high-tax, big-gov’t theft-model is DEAD!
Dennis Fox
January 6, 2025 at 1:51 pm
The forced-taxation method of funding is the preferred method of socialist/communist/collectivists the world over.
Voluntary donations are the only, true American Way!
Digging up a perfectly good street and replacing it with a 3 million dollar, totally unneeded “flowerpot”; is the epitome of the arrogant spend-thrifts our “rulers” have become.
Fire them all, except the few good conservative Americans, looking out for the hard-working people of sheridan county.