Whitney Executive Director speaks on K-16 Career/Educational Pathways Project

Whitney Benefits Executive Director Erin Kilbride, Northern Wyoming Community College District President Dr. Walt Tribley and Sheridan County School District #2 Superintendent Scott Stultz made an appearance on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse to discuss the K-16 Career/Educational Pathways Project.
According to Whitney Benefits, as part of their 2023 Strategic Plan, the Whitney Board of Trustees committed to proactively shaping the future of education to meet evolving demands.
Whitney contracted with Foresight Law + Policy (a national education law firm based in Washington, D.C. that advises educators) to develop educational pathways to the workforce, with an initial focus on Career and Technical Education, paralleling the RIDE initiative by Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon.
Over the past year, Whitney Benefits brought together philanthropic organizations, education and industry leaders and government stakeholders to drive education initiatives that have an impact on students, Wyoming industries and the state economy.
The K-16 Career/Educational Pathways Project is one result of these partnerships. The purpose of the K-16 Career/Educational Pathways Project is to create a robust talent pipeline that meets students’ educational needs and supports both workforce expansion and economic growth in the Cowboy State.
Executive Director Kilbride said the project is increasing local industry and manufacturing presence in regional K-12 schools – creating exposure for all students; those who may wish to work towards a two or four year degree and those who may not want to take that path.
E. Kilbride
Kilbride said Whitney Benefits brought together community leaders including administrators from local school districts, Sheridan College, and industry leaders and have collaborated to begin establishing a unified framework to guide educational programs and address future Wyoming workforce needs.
E. Kilbride
Currently, stakeholders are defining the essential skills that employers need from their future employees and creating a career pathway vision and design framework. The Sheridan County school districts and Sheridan College are increasing exposure and exploration to local industry and manufacturing careers and opportunities for students.
Sheridan Media will have more stories from the Public Pulse appearance of Whitney Benefits Executive Director Erin Kilbride, Northern Wyoming Community College District President Dr. Walt Tribley and Sheridan County School District #2 Superintendent Scott Stultz regarding the K-16 Career/Educational Pathways Project in future stories.