2 months agoon
News ReleaseGovernor Gordon has issued the following statement responding to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Buffalo Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment. The amendment, available today, was signed on Nov. 20 by BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning and provides an end to new federal coal leasing in the Power River Basin.
“Despite Congress’ direction that federal lands under BLM control be managed for multiple uses, the Biden Administration’s crusade against responsible coal extraction continues. Coal is a reliable, abundant, energy resource. Its continued development is necessary to meet the nation’s ever-increasing energy needs. BLM’s decision intentionally ignores both the energy needs of our nation and the devastating economic impacts its decision has on Wyoming and its communities.
Throughout the plan amendment process, and most recently in the Governor’s Consistency Review, Wyoming has raised countless issues with the Buffalo RMP. The BLM simply ignored the State’s concerns. It is apparent BLM has ramrodded this plan through the federal administrative process, rather than addressing legitimate grassroots issues identified by the State and its counties. This is not a balanced resource management strategy, but an anti-fossil fuel, politically-motivated action taken before the door slams on this administration.
The State of Wyoming will seek every remedy to overturn this decision, including litigation. We will also work with the incoming Wyoming Congressional Delegation and the Trump Administration to reverse this foolhardy decision.”
Tom Becket
November 27, 2024 at 8:46 am
Some tough words from a guy that served as Treasurer for the Sierra Club in 1993……
Rollie zempel
November 27, 2024 at 10:25 am
I see he has changed from 31 years ago . I like his solid statement that he made .this is politically motivated from the current administration , happy to see he is working for our