JCSD1 Board OKs Employment for November

During this month’s regular meeting, the Johnson County School Board voted to accept the employment recommendations, resignations, and transfers brought before them by administration.
The board approved Rachel Todd as head cook at Meadowlark Elementary, Jennifer Brothers as administrative assistant/registrar at Buffalo High School; and Nick Smith as assistant boys basketball coach at BHS.
Also accepted were the resignation of Hazel “Michelle” Miller as P/T food service transport; Adam Bock going from F/T to P/T as district mechanic, then resigning effective Nov. 30; Matthew Overton as events coordinator at Clear Creek Elementary effective immediately, and Overton as senior grounds staff for the district effective Dec. 29; Tamela Layher as special education paraprofessional at Cloud Peak Elementary; Reo Lohse as assistant boys basketball coach at Kaycee Junior High School; and Krystal Bybee, bus driver in Buffalo effective Dec. 15, but will remain as a substitute driver.
The board also approved the transfer of Emily Groskop from Title I paraprofessional to special education paraprofessional at Cloud Peak Elementary.