Historical Society to Give Program on Wickwire

3 years agoon
Aaron PalmerComing up later this month the Johnson County Historical Society will present a program entitled The Adventures of Byron F. Wickwire.
According to a release from the historical society, Wickwire’s life was one of adventure, from acting as sheriff of Bighorn County to driving a herd of horses to the goldfields of Alaska.
His life was detailed in his diary and in the book Wild Horses and Gold by Elizabeth Page.
Clark Chesbro, a great grandson of Wickwire, will give a presentation with a historical account on his life featuring family scrapbooks with newspaper articles from the Bighorn Basin area, and personal accounts of his adventures and work on area ranches.
The program will be presented Tuesday, April 19 at the Johnson County Library beginning at 6:30 p.m.
It is free and open to the public.