3 years agoon
cvannoyAt the Clearmont Town Council regular meeting on Monday, May 16, two re-elected council members, Anna Switzer and Jennifer Betz, as well as the newly elected mayor, Chris Schock were sworn in.
Outgoing Mayor Greg Rohrer, who had resigned, talked about his four years in the office.
In a brief meeting before the regular meeting, the council voted to approve the liquor license for Anna Switzer of the Clear Creek Stop.
The board also discussed the summer help position, and they voted to hire Aubrey Holland to help with town maintenance for the summer. The board also voted to advertise for John Keiser’s position as well.
It was agreed that the town of Clearmont would continue to be a part of the Sheridan Travel and Tourism board, and to appoint Anna Switzer to continue to serve on that board.
Amy Rowe of the Clear Creek Recreation District and the Clearmont Day Committee, came to talk to the board about the upcoming Clearmont Day Celebration scheduled for June 18 in the Branding Iron Park. There will be a fun run, a soapbox derby, vendors in the park and live music.
Rowe said that hamburgers would be provided for lunch, but asked the community members to bring potluck dishes for the sides and desserts. She also mentioned that volunteers were needed to help cook and serve the hamburgers, as well as in many other areas where help would be needed.
Rohrer reported on the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce lunch earlier in the month and said the chamber was willing to work with Clearmont, if they knew what Clearmont wanted their help with.
The board voted to raise the rate on the dumpster usage, from $10 to $20 a truck load for trash. Schock was voted to be the voting delegate to the WAM, Wyoming Association of Municipalities, summer convention in June in Laramie, and they also voted to change the signatures on the town bank accounts from Rohrer to Schock.