Kubota Wins Commercial Category in Rodeo Parade

Heartland Kubota placed first place in the commercial category at the Sheridan WYO Rodeo Parade in downtown Sheridan. The First People’s Pow Wow participants were the Grand Prize winners for the second year in a row. Sheridan Head Start was awarded first place in Tax Exempt entries and the Sheridan High School Marching Band won first place in the marching band category. Complete results are listed below.
Sheridan WYO Rodeo Parade 2023
Grand Prize:
First People’s Pow Wow
- Heartland Kubota
- Century 21 BHJ
- A-Line Roofing & Exteriors
Marching Bands:
- Sheridan High School Band
- Drum & Bugle Corp Color Guard & Marching Band
- Kalif Shrine Oriental Band
- WyoTana Grizzlies 4-H Wild In My Yard / “Undaunted”
- Cub Scout Pack 385
Tax Exempt:
- Sheridan Head Start / “Building bold, bright and brave leaders!”
- City of Sheridan Recycling
- Model A & Pioneer Car Club of Sheridan and Johnson Counties
Honorable Mention: Donna’s Dance Academy
Community Groups
- Weaver Family
Light Harness
- Barbula’s Carriage Service & Frackelton’s Restaurant / “Gypsy Vanner Horses”
- Rich Urbatchka / “High Wheeler Bicycle”
Special Recognition goes to Sheridan WYO Rodeo Wranglers and all of the equestrian participants.

Pat Blair
July 20, 2023 at 6:16 am
Happy to se4 all the winners. Sorry to not see the parade in person.