Wyoming Legion Baseball ‘AA’ ‘A’ and ‘B’ State Tournaments 2024

Casper (AA), Powell (A) and Torrington (B) are the host sites for the 2024 Wyoming Legion Baseball State Tournaments.
The AA and A tournaments are played with the modified double-elimination format.
The first 2 days proceed like a regular double-elimination tournament.
On Day 3 there are 3 games…2 elimination games, and then the 2 teams that are 2-0 vs. each other.
After Day 3, there will be 1 team in the winners bracket and 3 in the losers bracket.
On Day 4, the 1 team left in the winners bracket will face one of the losers bracket teams (a team that they have not yet faced, if possible), but regardless of what happens, that winners bracket team is still in the championship game.
If the winners bracket team wins on Day 4, then the other team that comes out of the losers bracket, must win twice on Day 5 to win the championship.
If the winners bracket team loses on Day 4, the team is still in the championship game, but the championship game, becomes a 1-game winner-take-all, because of the loss on Day 4.
Long story short…the only time, a team has to play twice in one day, during the tournament, is the last day, and that’s only if they have 1 loss, weather pending.
The modified double-elimination format also saves some pitching for teams, because the maximum number of games a team would have to play in the tournament is 6, whereas under the original double elimination format, the maximum would be 7.
The B State Tournament is played in the regular double-elimination style format.
AA State Tournament at Casper:
Cheyenne Post 6 is the 4-time defending state champs, and have won 20 of the last 23.
The Sheridan Troopers last won it all in 1997.
Monday, July 29:
#4 Sheridan Troopers 3 #5 Laramie Rangers 1
#1 Cheyenne Post 6 14 #8 Rock Springs Stallions 4
#3 Gillette Roughriders 9 #6 Cheyenne Hawks 2
#2 Casper Oilers 12 #7 Jackson Giants 2
Tuesday, July 30:
Laramie Rangers 12 Rock Springs Stallions 5 – Rock Springs Eliminated.
Cheyenne Hawks 9 Jackson Giants 8 – Jackson Eliminated.
Cheyenne Post 6 19 Sheridan Troopers 4
Gillette Roughriders 2 Casper Oilers 0
Wednesday, July 31:
Cheyenne Hawks 8 Sheridan Troopers 4 – Sheridan Eliminated.
Laramie Rangers 4 Casper Oilers 2 – Casper Eliminated.
Cheyenne Post 6 14 Gillette Roughriders 4 – Cheyenne Post 6 is in the championship game.
Thursday, August 1:
Gillette Roughriders 13 Laramie Rangers 1 – Laramie Eliminated.
Cheyenne Post 6 10 Cheyenne Hawks 2 – Cheyenne Hawks Eliminated.
Friday, August 2:
Gillette Roughriders 3 Cheyenne Post 6 2
Cheyenne Post 6 14 Gillette Roughriders 0 – Championship Cheyenne qualifies for the AA Northwest Regional Tournament in Billings, MT.
A State Tournament at Powell:
Saturday, July 27:
(#2W) Cody Cubs 9 (#3E) Sheridan Jets 1
(#3W) Lovell Mustangs 13 (#2E) Torrington Tigers 3
(#1E) Casper Drillers 13 (#4W) Evanston Outlaws 3
(#1W) Powell Pioneers 10 (#4E) Gillette Rustlers 4
Sunday, July 28:
Evanston Outlaws 5 Sheridan Jets 3 – Sheridan Eliminated.
Torrington Tigers 12 Gillette Rustlers 11 – Gillette Eliminated.
Cody Cubs 5 Casper Drillers 4
Powell Pioneers 8 Lovell Mustangs 4
Monday, July 29:
Casper Drillers 9 Torrington Tigers 5 – Torrington Eliminated.
Lovell Mustangs 9 Evanston Outlaws 5 – Evanston Eliminated.
Powell Pioneers 17 Cody Cubs 2 – Powell is in the championship game.
Tuesday, July 30:
Cody Cubs 4 Lovell Mustangs 3 – Lovell Eliminated. Cody is in the championship game.
Powell Pioneers 10 Casper Drillers 0 – Casper Eliminated.
Wednesday, July 31:
Powell Pioneers 5 Cody Cubs 4 – Championship. Powell qualifies for the A-League Northwest Regional Tournament to be played at Roseburg, OR.
B State Tournament at Torrington:
Thursday, July 25:
#5 Cody 17 #4 Cheyenne 0
#6 Sheridan 13 #3 Riverton 9
#2 Powell 11 #7 Gillette 9
#1 Casper 14 #8 Torrington 0
Friday, July 26:
Cheyenne 17 Torrington 3 – Torrington Eliminated.
Gillette 25 Riverton 9 – Riverton Eliminated.
Sheridan 8 Powell 2
Saturday, July 27:
Casper 4 Cody 1
Powell 4 Cheyenne 1 – Cheyenne Eliminated.
Cody 5 Gillette 4 – Gillette Eliminated.
Casper 11 Sheridan 1 – Casper is in the championship game.
Sunday, July 28:
Powell 6 Cody 5 – Cody Eliminated.
Powell 6 Sheridan 5 – Sheridan Eliminated. Powell is in the championship game.
Monday, July 29:
Casper 12 Powell 6 – Championship.