Shred Events Set for Johnson and Sheridan Counties

AARP Wyoming will be hosting two free shred events in Johnson and Sheridan Counties on Saturday, May 13. The Sheridan shred event will take place from 8:30 am to 11:30 am in the parking lot of the Sheridan Commercial Company at 303 Broadway. The shred event in Buffalo will be held in the parking lot of DJ’s Grocery Store at 895 Fort Street and will run from 2:30 to 5 pm.
AARP shredding events help people to stay one step ahead of identity thieves by shredding personal and financial documents. Please bring your documents in something easy to dump into the shred truck like boxes or paper bags. AARP Wyoming allows up to two large boxes to be dropped off per vehicle. To avoid having your sensitive information compromised, security experts recommend shredding old documents or papers that carry your Social Security number, birth date, signature, account numbers, passwords or PINs, any canceled or unused checks, deposit slips and ATM and credit card receipts, pre-approved credit card applications, unneeded medical bills, investment account statements and any expired driver’s licenses, medical insurance cards and passports. Both shred events are free, but registration is strongly encouraged. You can register for the Sheridan event here, and the Buffalo event here.