SCSD#2 Board Approves Masks in School

Sheridan High School students will start the year wearing masks
School starts Tuesday in Sheridan County School District #2.
The school board held a special meeting on Monday to address the issue of masks in SCSD#2 classrooms and on buses.
The meeting drew a large crowd of anti-mask community members and parents, and several speakers talked about the advantages of wearing masks.
Comments from the anti-mask speakers cited studies that said masks don’t work to control the spread, and the students can suffer oxygen deprivation and problems from breathing in too much CO2. Many parents also felt that the school’s job was to teach, and not try to protect society from the virus.
One teacher told the board that she felt that it did students a disservice as the teacher cannot see the facial expressions, to determine if the child can understand the lesson or is confused. She also felt that people shouldn’t, “let fear overtake rational thinking.”
After several anti-mask speeches, there were also those who spoke for the wearing of masks.
Catherine Johnson, who works at Highland Park School, said “I think there were less colds this year among the students due to wearing the masks. We have an amazing school system and an amazing principal. This is a public school, and the school makes decisions for all students, and those who do not want to obey the schools rules should home school their children.”
Michael Sanderson, Sheridan Pediatrician, had this to say, “The concerns about wearing masks surfaced a year ago, and from a medical perspective there is no risk in wearing masks. Occasionally skin irritation may arise, but we can deal with that. The CDC said mask are effective in preventing transmission of the virus, as does social distancing. I am in support of masks. If approached positively, kids will be okay with masks.”
Dr. Hunter of Sheridan Memorial Hospital also noted that the hospital was over their capacity of ICU beds, as are many neighboring states. He also said the Delta Variant of the Covid-19 virus is very contagious.
Superintendent Scott Stults thanked all those who spoke, and gave re-cap of the masks in school during the last year. “We make our recommendations based on what Dr. Hunter tells us. All decisions are medically and scientifically based. Our job is educating children and to keep the schools open and protect our students and teachers. We feel that school is the best environment for learning, not remote. We did the best we could last year and it was far from ideal. But we based our decisions on what is safer and best for students and staff. Last year students were in school for the full 175 days, and we hope we can keep them in school for 175 days this year.”
He had this to say about the current state of the Covid-19 virus
According to the Covid-19 plan, masks are to be worn in the school buildings, and on route buses to and from school, but can removed to eat and drink and during recess and when outside of the school buildings. Masks can also be removed during teacher approved mask breaks, or when doing extreme physical activity.
Stults outlined his plan to wear masks,
After Stults described his plan, Chairman Susan Wilson called for a motion to accept the plan. The board moved and seconded the motion, but before the vote could began the crowd began to protest, and the meeting was adjourned for 15 minutes and the community members were asked to leave.
The school board reconvened and the vote was unanimous to accept the plan.
Sue Wilson spoke a few words about the boards decision.
The entire plan can be seen on the SCSD#2 website, and it will be reconsidered every two weeks as more medical information on the virus in Sheridan becomes available.

Ron Howard
August 31, 2021 at 2:37 pm
So glad we have a logical school board. Keeping students and teachers safe should be the number one priority, and right now masking up is the best way to do so.
A big thanks to the teachers and board members that are going to face the aggression of unreasonable parents, you’re more supported than you know!
Josiah gillan
August 31, 2021 at 4:47 pm
Logical? Please explain the logic behind masks that work at 11%? I thought they followed the science. There’s zero logic in child abuse. The board needs replaced.
ray olson
September 1, 2021 at 9:15 am
The 11% is from the headline in an Australian medical journal if you had bothered to read the whole article you’d discover that the overall effective rate is in the 60% + range,
Terry Moore
September 1, 2021 at 3:26 pm
Home school then, problem solved. The majority of parents have no respect in your endless drivel. Also, don’t show up at SMH when you and yours get sick with Covid. You are just a waste of space.