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Governor Gordon: ‘Decision on Easing Restrictions Will Be Driven by Data’

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Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon held a news conference Wednesday to provide an update on the State’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Governor Gordon addressed the many questions he’s been receiving regarding the three public health orders that are in place through the end of the month.

Governor Gordon

The Governor emphasized two major points in regard to the restrictions that are currently in place.

Governor Gordon

Also speaking at the Governor’s news conference were State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist and Department of Family Services Director Korin Schmidt. We’ll have more from the news conference for you in future stories.



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    mark steingass

    April 16, 2020 at 9:21 am

    When I watched this news conference of governor gordon online yesterday I could see governor gordon has a home made (brown) face covering around his neck … thank you governor for being considerate of others (especially the medically vulnerable) about COVID19…it’s never too late to mitigate

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    Dennis Fox

    April 16, 2020 at 3:01 pm

    The decision to lift the governor’s so-called “orders” should be driven by the constitution, which forbids the executive from making and then trying to enforce his own “laws.” Both the US and Wyoming constitutions divide gov’t power into thirds and give each branch a very specific function. The legislature makes law and the executive enforces law. The governor is forbidden from making his own laws, especially one’s that violate constitutional safeguards. The freedom of religion and assembly are protected rights, that the governor’s “orders” are currently violating. All of Wyoming’s temporary restrictions should and must expire on May 1, lest we descend into dictatorship. Destroying people’s lives work means of sustenance and trampling our rights, is an abomination in the Free State of Wyoming. The governor will restore our rights on or before 1 May……or we will lose our liberty…along with his re-election. The data is clear. 10 times more people have died in Wyoming during his restrictions, than from the virus. Does he want to prohibit driving? The constitution and reason should be “driving” all of our decisions! Be well, be safe and above all….be Free Wyoming.

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