Governor, State Health Officer, Release Modified Public Health Orders

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon has announced that effective May 1, modifications to the three public health orders will allow gyms, barber shops, hair salons and other personal care services to reopen under specific operating conditions designed to minimize public health risk from COVID-19. Other parts of the phased approach involve easing restrictions on day cares and issuing guidance to hospitals allowing them to resume elective surgeries. Governor Gordon, at a news conference Tuesday, said that the new modified orders start the process of getting this part of Wyoming’s economy up and running again.
Public Health Order #2, limiting public gatherings to no more than 10 people, has been extended through May 15. State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist says that Public Health Order #1 has been extended as well, but with several modifications.
Dr. Harrist said that all three statewide orders have a provision allowing county health officers to submit requests for countywide variances from those orders if the public health conditions in the county warrant the change. She said the goal is to provide a measure of flexibility in recognition of the fact that public health conditions can vary greatly from county to county in Wyoming. The Wyoming Business Council will host a series of webinars beginning Wednesday to provide information and guidance for businesses eligible for reopening under the new orders. You can register for one of the webinar meetings here:
The three modified public health orders can be viewed here:

April 29, 2020 at 12:07 am
This is getting out of hand. How can gyms where people put their sweaty hands on shared equipment, and barber shops where someone’s breathing down your neck and touching you, be more safe than eating in a restaurant serving fresh food on clean plates, where everything is being wiped down and cleaned endlessly, over and over. And on top of that, gyms and barber shops have far less employees nearing homelessness at the moment. Really! This just goes to show how much they really care about the people, and getting us back to work. What’s next, food carts and the ice cream stand? Unbelievable and dispicable. Instead of social distance, how about social resistance. Whatever it is that’s going on, is starting to seem very impracticable and intentionally malicious. I mean think about it, do you see the police inforcing these shut down rules, or the government task force during their briefings wearing masks or practicing social distancing? They won’t even practice what they are preaching. Something needs to be done. Critical thinking. We all have that ability. We better start using it, and NOW. Because right now it’s our FREEDOMS that we are distancing. Before it’s too late everybody needs to remember, that WE ARE THE PEOPLE, and it’s up to us. This nonsense has got to end.
Joseph Barani
April 29, 2020 at 2:22 pm
What about Dentist? I have needed to see my Dentist now for over a month. Teeth are bad.
Dennis Fox
April 29, 2020 at 4:16 pm
The governor of a neighboring state was on Fox channel last nite and she didn’t issue a closure order on any businesses. She said she trusted the people of her state to do the right thing. Does our governor not trust us?