Beaver Creek Prescribed Burn Planned

A weather window is expected to open today and tomorrow to allow for the Beaver Creek prescribed burn to occur in the Bighorn National Forest. If plans go through and the burn takes place, smoke will be visible in the area over the next several days. According to officials with the Bighorn National Forest, the Beaver Creek prescribed burn will benefit livestock allotments, wildlife such as mule deer and elk, and will reduce fuels in the area.
Tongue District Fire Management Officer Jon Stonelake said they are at moderate fire danger and the planned prescribed burn is at high elevation. The fuel moistures are much higher than in lower elevations in the county, that combined with a lot of available local resources, the opportunity to meet management objectives is open. The Beaver Creek unit is located off Hunt Mountain Road, Forest System Road 10 and spans portions of the Tongue and Medicine Wheel Ranger Districts. You can check for project updates by visiting the Forest Service’s Facebook page or their website.