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Governor Gordon Unveils Plan to Ease COVID-19 Restrictions

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Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon at a news conference Thursday, announced the plan to transition the state into a new phase of COVID-19 response. Governor Gordon said that the plan creates a pathway to ease restrictions, recover businesses, and resume some activities, and that the phased approach will be driven by health-related data and will provide individual counties the flexibility to seek variances based on local conditions.

Governor Gordon

Governor Gordon said that State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist will soon be issuing modified statewide public health orders that will help Wyoming take the first steps to move into the next phase.

Governor Gordon

The Governor explained what businesses are likely to be given the green light to open when the new modified orders are released.

Governor Gordon

Governor Gordon said that a COVID-19 Metrics “dashboard” has been developed that includes six health metrics that will be utilized for making decisions about easing restrictions. Gordon said the dashboard has been provided to each of Wyoming’s counties for their health officials to utilize when considering variance requests. In the week ahead, Governor Gordon said that he would be providing additional details on the easing of restrictions, including guidelines for modifying business operations for reopening, and directions to hospitals on resumption of elective surgeries.



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    Larry milliron

    April 24, 2020 at 7:51 am

    I voted for a repulican I thought but it seems like I got a democrat it won’t happen again!!!

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      April 24, 2020 at 9:53 pm

      Being a conservative William F.
      Buckley #ReublicanInReality; Mark Gordon isn’t the problem! We have a #SatchelAssSimpleton telling us to drink disinfectant, bleach, and inject ultraviolet light in our body to thwart corona virus! Science fiction has gotten the GOP in this dilemma. “Chronicles from the dumb room” is the real danger to the foundation of the conservative movement and the Republican party. Planning and strategic action when this was first discovered would have yielded different results. Best thankful we have an intellectual man of character like Mark Gordon as our Governor!

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    Jan Loftus

    April 24, 2020 at 10:18 am

    Your headline is inaccurate, Sheridan Media. It should say, someday Governor Gordon will release a plan. Your story says “will” repeatedly. It appears to have been a stalling technique. Business owners and their employees are suffering.

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      April 24, 2020 at 2:18 pm

      You do realize that the restrictions are set til April 30th right? So there is no stalling…The eased restrictions apply to those the Governor listed (it’s in the sound clip) starting May 1st, which also means that they “will” release the plan on their reopening guidelines next week prior to said businesses being able to open.

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    Dennis Fox

    April 24, 2020 at 1:58 pm

    The governor should not extend, for a second time, his “temporary” executive orders. While the chief executive has the authority to issue immediate emergency orders to save lives (think train wreck spilling toxins) he does not have the authority to continue re-issuing “temporary” orders for ever. Our system of government mandates that only the legislature can make law, not the governor. His job is to enforce, ie. execute law. For covid-19 the governor has “made” law. These so called laws are a clear violation of both our US and Wyoming Constitutionally protected rights of assembly and exercise of religion. By ordering small businesses to close he has, in fact, taken private property rights from our citizens and crushed our lively-hoods. Gov. Gordon would be wise to let his temporary “orders” expire on 30 April and leave it up to the people in each county, via their elected rep’s. Sheridan county has had zero Covid patients enter our fine hospital and only 12 total positives, who all recovered at home. It’s time to restore our liberty.

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      Dean C

      April 24, 2020 at 10:29 pm

      Dennis, instead of mocking Governor Gordon why don’t you try supporting his leadership in making the difficult choices he has to make to keep the citizens of Wyoming as safe as possible in this pandemic. Per your own words he is following the Executive Order of our elected President Trump.
      No offense to our fellow citizens but when the choice of safety was left up to the people in states like Louisiana and Florida there was mass outbreaks of Corona Virus where people had gathered for Mardi Gras and Spring Break.
      We support our elected Governor and President. How many times have you run for office? Sheridan has voted and YOU were not elected. Hey Dennis, did your Stimulus Check give you more time to hang out at the corner of Coffeen and Brundage Lane? Again no offense.
      Thanks to the people following our leaders recommendations and orders we are one of the states with the lowest numbers of Covid19. Kudos Sheridan, great job of looking out for our fellow neighbors.

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    Dennis Fox

    April 24, 2020 at 5:08 pm

    Poverty always kills many times more people than disease. That’s a fact, both world-wide and in America. If we don’t end this self-inflicted shut-down, we risk massive unemployment, hunger, homelessness and worse. This could be our first self-induced Greater Depression. I hope the governor is paying attention. His re-election may well be decided, right here. Rights are innate and no earthly mortal can take them from us.

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    Harriett Oleson

    April 25, 2020 at 7:52 am

    Dennis.. I am Very Happy with Governor Gordon’s reluctance to ease restrictions. In Spite of the strident scary hysteria by a few this forum, he is trying to strike a medium of opening up Wyoming and the DEATH of many of it’s residents. In case the Death facts have escaped some of you over 50,000 people have died in this viral disaster. I know that some politicians who would like to be elected have to exaggerate threats to stir up their votes but Governor Gordon is in the decision hot seat. He HAS to try to make the life and death decisions for the folks of Wyoming. I think the majority of Wyoming families would prefer to live, over returning to our jobs too soon. Right now I am VERY GLAD we have a cooler thoughtful head making the decisions. CHILL!! Dennis !! We will make it through this AND be better for it…

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    Dennis Fox

    April 25, 2020 at 12:47 pm

    Yes we will make it thru this, but at what cost. There still hasn’t been a single Covid patient admitted to Sheridan hospital, yet most of our businesses are closed by order of a single man, the governor. He has only temporary, emergency authority to mandate the closing of private businesses. He didn’t order a statewide individual “lockdown” for the same reason. He knows he doesn’t have the authority. He should let his temporary orders expire on 30 Apr. and let county officials in each locality issue any further directive. Just like each state is different, so the President didn’t issue a national lockdown, so each county is different and should make decisions independent of the governor. One size doesn’t fit all, on a national or state-wide basis. Our gov’t was founded on the principle of Individual Liberty. And it is being severely compromised, along with our economy, as a result of these gov’t mandates. The virus isn’t killing our economy and taking our liberty….our own gov’t is…and that must stop. If we crash our economy and trash our constitutional liberty to deal with the flu, then we’re the dumbest people in history. I understand that some folks can’t handle the responsibility and effort that true Freedom requires. So be it. We are all free to quit our jobs and lock ourselves in our homes and cower under the bed, if that’s what makes some feel better. But plz leave the rest of us in peace and freedom. We know not what course others may take… we seek to impose our will on no one. Let freedom ring. Lift the bans and restore Liberty. Wyoming leads the nation in fewest confirmed cases and deaths. We should lead the nation back to reason and Freedom.

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      Harriett Oleson

      April 26, 2020 at 7:09 pm

      OK ! Dennis.. I understand now, that all I will get from you is Political slogans and overheated patriotism aimed at one thing— getting the voters to notice you.. NO facts, No discussion, just what our governor is doing wrong and Why it is unconstitutional in your opinion. Contrary to your opinion the Governor does have the Constitutional authority to issue these orders. No cases of Covid in Sheridan County Dennis, would appear to me to be a Successful campaign to this point. It’s working Dennis , leave it alone for another month. I hope you can set aside your campaign and do a little rational thinking realizing, that maybe lives are more important than the economy. Now I will leave you alone because I realize now that trying to have a rational discussion with politician like you in the heat of a campaign is not possible

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    Dennis Fox

    April 25, 2020 at 1:10 pm

    Both the president and our governor did NOT issue individual “lock-down” orders. They did the right thing, both legally and morally. You can not strip away the natural right to travel, associate and worship, in a free country. I supported both our president and our governor on that. The president issued NO national business closure orders, our governor did. Gov. Gordon issued temporary “orders” to close some businesses and all schools. He was right and prudent to do that at the outset, when so much about this virus is unknown. He even extended those orders till 30 Apr. And again we supported that, as wise precautions at the time. But now that the data is in and Wyoming leads the nation in fewest number of confirmed cases and deaths, it’s time to re-evaluate those temporary orders. I’d follow the precedent already set by the president and step back from extending “orders” and simply let each individual county gov’t along with local health officials, make the right call for their localities. Sheridan has had 12 cases and all 12 recovered at home. With not a single Covid patient admitted to our great hospital, it’s time to lift these job-killing, economy-wrecking, unconstitutional “orders”. There is no reason, now, for any business in Sheridan county to be closed, by gov’t order. If a business owner wants to open or stay closed that’s their business and not subject to gov’t decree. This isn’t communist china or even NYC. Both ruled by authoritarians. That’s their problem not ours, here in Free Wyoming. We should not destroy our economy or form of gov’t, just to fight the flu. At least not here in Wyoming. Other states are free to do as they please, but as for us….Let Freedom Ring!

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    Jan Loftus

    April 26, 2020 at 9:18 am

    Sarah, I hope you are right. Meanwhile, find a closed business or a business with reduction in income (most) and donate if you have not lost your income. I spoke to a shop owner, shutdown completely, who may not be able to pay rent. When we lose businesses, the owner and employees may not be able to take care of their families. Sheridan has zero new cases for nearly two weeks and all recuperated at home. We were told the shutdown was to flatten the curve. The curve has bottomed out here. Time to open is long past. Those most vulnerable are mostly retired and can choose to stay home or not. If they go out, wear a mask or not as we all can. Businesses can take precautions such as we see in grocery stores. A depression and unemployment will harm and kill too.

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      Harriett Oleson

      April 27, 2020 at 2:47 pm

      Jan You are spot on.. We donated to the Chamber of Commerce’s employee relief fund. Also the Food Group which has a lot of new kid’s meals to provide now that the school lunch is closed. There is a lot of need, while we all work Together to whip this virus. Impassioned political posts to this forum does not help at all.

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        Jan Loftus

        April 28, 2020 at 7:23 am

        Harriett, To be clear, I am very much opposed to the Constitution being ignored by elected and appointed bureaucrats. For example, the 5th Amendment says that, “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” The government has taken from these small businesses and may or may not give them loans. “Just compensation” is not a loan.
        Also, I would suggest donating directly to the small business owners as well as directly helping their employees. If they can’t open up soon and if they are unable to survive the loss of a month or more income, some of the employees will end up dependent on unemployment, or worse, welfare.

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    Dennis Fox

    April 26, 2020 at 3:35 pm

    The logical, moral and legal approach, is to let each county decide how they will restore our freedom. Decentralized decision-making is the successful American model, established by the Founders and embodied in the constitution. No one can know your conditions and needs better than you. That’s why Individual Liberty reigns supreme in America. To support Liberty, we deliberately limited the actions and power of government. In this virus, the president followed the law and let governors decide. Now, it’s up to our governor to follow the same constitutionally-mandated law and model and allow each county to assess and decide. One size does not fit all and imposing “top-down” central authority is the collectivist way, Not the American Way. Gov. Gordon, Follow your oath to the Constitution and restore Liberty to the People of Wyoming.

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    Dennis Fox

    April 27, 2020 at 4:56 pm

    To be clear. I supported both the president and our governor, when they refused to issue a “lock-down” order. I supported the governor when he issued the first business closure orders. I supported the gov. when he extended those temporary, emergency orders to 30 Apr. He was right in doing so in his capacity to protect life in an emergency. But now, in light of the fact that the virus has had a minimal health impact and the closure Orders are having a HUGE impact on our business owners and employees, I think it’s time for the governor to lift his temporary orders and leave it up to each county. Each state is different. Each county is different. One size does not fit all. That’s Exactly the approach the president took. Decisions should always be made by those closest to the situation. The president defers to the judgement of the governor and now the governor can and should allow the county/city leaders to use their own best judgement. We are not a top-down, centrally-controlled nation. I’m very much in agreement with everything the president and our governor have done. Now, Let’s continue to push the decision-making to the appropriate level. The economic devastation is proving to be worse than the “cure” of business closures. Let’s help everyone in Wyoming by setting them free of gov’t restrictions. And just to be clear, I’ve never held elected office, nor am I currently running for any office, so am not a “politician.” I’m just a veteran trying to uphold my oath to our constitution.

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      Harriett Oleson

      April 28, 2020 at 9:12 am

      Not a politician Dennis?? ?? Then that was not you on the corner of Brundage & Coffeen and that was another Dennis Fox on the County Commissioner ballot for the last several elections??? Not currently running ?? It is Not time to file yet but are you going to, I am sure your supporters would like to know if you are running again, your posts on this forum sure sound like it … Not a politician Dennis ?? Really !!!!

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