City Administrator Implements COVID-19 Policy for Employees

Citing a recent rise in COVID-19 cases in Sheridan, City Administrator Stuart McRae issued a memo Wednesday afternoon that states he has put into place a policy for prevention of the spread of COVID-19 between City employees. McRae, in the memo, said the largest contributor to the rise in cases appears to be group gatherings without sufficient protection, including extended family events, social gatherings, church small group meetings, and employees having COVID-19 related symptoms but coming to work regardless.
Effective today, until further notice, the new policy applies to all City of Sheridan staff employees, others having business within City work areas are requested and highly encouraged to comply as well. The policy states that employees will wear masks when a minimum of six-foot separation cannot be accomplished within work areas. This includes when situated in a City vehicle with other employees or non-immediate family members. When employees come to work, they will check their temperature with a non-contact thermometer. If it is between 99.7 and 100.4 degrees, the employee will be sent home and must notify their supervisor. If it is higher than 100.4 degrees, they are also encouraged to seek medical attention. If an employee has any of the symptoms of COVID-19, they must notify their supervisor and not come to work until their supervisor says it’s ok.
The policy further states that if an employee has to be at home and is in a position to be able to work remotely, their supervisor will authorize that on a case-by-case basis. McRae closes by saying the precautions are being taken to minimize the potential of contacting this highly contagious virus until a proper vaccine becomes available to the general public.