2020 Sheridan WYO Rodeo Cancelled

This year’s Sheridan WYO Rodeo has been cancelled. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
The Sheridan WYO Rodeo is one of six major rodeos throughout the state that have been cancelled. All of the events planned in association with the Sheridan WYO Rodeo, including the Main Street Parade, the Powwow, boot kick-off and carnival will not take place this summer. The other five rodeos that have canceled are Cheyenne Frontier Days, Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous, Cody Stampede, Central Wyoming Fair & PRCA Rodeo in Casper and Laramie Jubilee Days.
Sheridan WYO Rodeo Board President Billy Craft said that since early April, they have been working closely with a statewide coalition, including individual rodeo committees, professional rodeo leaders, the Wyoming Office of Tourism and Governor Mark Gordon’s office, and the conclusion was reached that it would be far too risky to move forward this summer.
Governor Gordon, at a media briefing Wednesday where representatives from all six rodeos that were canceled were on hand, said that the decision to cancel the rodeos wasn’t one that was easily made.
The WYO Rodeo is offering 2020 ticket purchasers two options: A full refund or the ability to donate all or part of their purchase to the rodeo. All online ticket purchasers will receive an email from E-Tix within five days with more information. If you purchased with a cash or check, a WYO Rodeo board member will be in touch within seven business days to help with refunds and donations. The news release issued by the WYO Rodeo in its entirety is available below.
SHERIDAN, Wyo. (May 27, 2020) – Along with several other summer events throughout Wyoming, it is with a heavy heart that the WYO Rodeo must announce today that it is canceling its 2020 celebration of the west.
Since early April, the WYO has been working closely with a statewide coalition including individual rodeo committees, professional rodeo leaders, the Wyoming Office of Tourism, and the Governor’s office. We are grateful to Governor Mark Gordon and our colleagues from Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous, Cody Stampede, Central Wyoming Fair & PRCA Rodeo in Casper, Laramie Jubilee Days, and Cheyenne Frontier Days for working so closely with us to make this unified decision. Every possible option was considered.
”We came to the conclusion that it would be far too risky for our friends and neighbors to move forward this summer,” said Billy Craft, Sheridan WYO Rodeo president. “This decision was not easily made. We understand the economic impact the WYO Rodeo has on our community. But we could not ignore the potential for serious health consequences or, equally as damaging, reversing the progress we’ve made in reopening local businesses.”
As many long-time fans and supporters know, large crowds involving significant close contact between thousands of people over many days gather to participate in the WYO rodeo, boot kick-off, parade, carnival, and Pow Wow. While the rodeo board considered cutting events to reduce exposure, they felt this would negatively affect the quality of experience the community has spent decades building.
“We want to thank the many people, groups and organizations who help to produce the rodeo and related events throughout Rodeo Week,” said Zane Garstad, WYO Rodeo board vice president. “Community businesses, rodeo fans, sponsors, WYO Rodeo Wranglers, Gold Buckle Club, Sheridan WYO Posse, WYO Rodeo Royalty, volunteers, contestants, contract personnel, vendors, city and state officials and multiple civic groups all take part in making the Sheridan WYO Rodeo happen. We couldn’t do this without you – and we’re looking forward to making the 2021 Sheridan WYO Rodeo the best yet.”
The WYO Rodeo board is working on alternative ways to celebrate rodeo this summer, including possibly broadcasting prior year’s events at local establishments. “We will reach out to our local partners to see how we can create a new celebration and recapture some economic benefit here in Sheridan,” said Garstad.
The WYO Rodeo is offering 2020 ticket purchasers two options: A full refund or the ability to donate all or part of their purchase to the rodeo. All online ticket purchasers will receive an email from E-Tix within the next five days with more information. Rodeo fans who purchased tickets with cash or check will be contacted by a WYO Rodeo board member within seven business days to help process refunds and donations.
If you have any questions at all, please call E-Tix at 1-919-653-0443 OR 1-800-514-3849. For local help, please call Zane Garstad at (307) 751.0121. To learn more please visit
How many 2020 Wyoming rodeos have been cancelled?
A total of six rodeos throughout the state have been cancelled, including the Sheridan WYO Rodeo, Cheyenne Frontier Days, Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous, Cody Stampede, Central Wyoming Fair & PRCA Rodeo in Casper and Laramie Jubilee Days.
Who made the decision to cancel and why now?
The decision was made collectively and unanimously by six Wyoming rodeo event committees, in consultation with state and local health officials as well as the Governor’s Office. Given the scope and scale of these western celebrations, many contract personnel, volunteers, and rodeo contestants are involved. With numerous deadlines at hand this was the latest possible week for a decision.
What were the key factors in deciding to cancel?
Our number one priority is the safety of our guests. There are just too many unknowns at this point with COVID-19, leaving us with few options. Social distancing guidelines and plans were explored thoroughly, but logistics beyond just ingress and egress proved too hard to overcome. For example, how do beer and food sales work or a carnival or a parade? We could not implement a strategy that would not destroy our event experience or endanger the health and safety of our communities, guests, and participants.
Is the Sheridan WYO Rodeo issuing refunds and how quickly will that happen?
The WYO Rodeo is offering 2020 ticket purchasers two options: A full refund or the ability to donate all or part of their purchase to the rodeo. All online ticket purchasers will receive an email from E-Tix within five days with more information. If you purchased with a cash or check, a WYO Rodeo board member will be in touch within seven business days to help with refunds and donations. If you have any questions at all, call E-Tix at 1-919-653-0443 OR 1-800-514-3849. For local help, please call Zane Garstad at (307) 751-0121. To learn more please visit
Can I roll over my ticket purchase to the WYO Rodeo for next year?
While this option was considered, the Sheridan WYO Rodeo Board felt it could create complications in 2021.
Will we have any Sheridan WYO Rodeo Week Events this year?
The rodeo was cancelled because it is just too risky for our friends and neighbors to host large outdoor events with little ability for social distancing. Since most Rodeo Week events are in the same category, the Sheridan WYO Rodeo will not be able to host these events this year. Specifically, the main street parade, Pow Wow, boot kick off and carnival will not occur this summer.
Will the 2021 WYO Rodeo happen?
God willing! Our hope is that by 2021 COVID-19 will be contained, and health and safety factors will be manageable for large gatherings. Ultimately, our patrons need to feel safe and secure. We will continue to work closely with the State and our local communities to promote our events for 2021. We are already thinking about how to make the 2021 Sheridan WYO Rodeo the best one yet!

Maria Travis
May 27, 2020 at 5:59 pm
No words can express how I feel about this for Sheridan and my hometown of Cheyenne, Wyoming!!
Gary Smith
May 27, 2020 at 6:20 pm
You People are falling for the liberals agenda to shut America down permanently. I predict you will not be reelected next term. Sincerely Gary Smith
Fred Osborn
May 29, 2020 at 8:07 am
Really? Just who is in the White House pulling all the stunts? Who has a majority in the do nothing Senate? You people who hate Democrats are pathetic.
May 29, 2020 at 9:18 am
I am not against all democrats. Just some. When Trump was trying to get money out to the citizens of the United States, MOST democrats would not let it get approved until their demands were tacked onto the bill. Including a pay raise and monies sent to non-essential organizations. I don’t know about you, but that is the definition of selfish. And for that reason, MOST democrats are not OK in my opinion.
Fred Osborn
May 29, 2020 at 1:54 pm
Who do you think got the lions share of the first batch of taxpayers money? CEO’s of big corporations and big business.I do not blame the Democrats for being a little touchy about money…after all when our descendants are still paying for the current regime’s mess they will know who to thank.
Harriett Oleson
May 29, 2020 at 4:18 pm
Well said Fred!!! The democrats { and I am far from being one} were just trying to get this stimulus to the little folks. The big corporations already got theirs with the Republican “TAX Cuts ????”, most of which benefited the upper TWO PERCENT.. Again I AM NOT a democrat, liberal or any of those names. I have voted Republican for over 50 years. But this ain’t the Republican Party of Old, rather the” fraid of Trump party” If you need a simple label, label me “EMBARRESSED REPUBLICAN”. There are lots of us. And that is really, really sad!!!
gene davis
May 27, 2020 at 7:13 pm
The Sheridan Wyo Rodeo board made a very difficult decision that will probably prove to be unpopular but was wisely made and was in the long term best interests of our community and those who rodeo for a living. Hopefully we can all be around to enjoy the 2021 event because of their courage.
Harriett Oleson
May 27, 2020 at 7:28 pm
Congratulations Rodeo Board. Such a TOUGH TOUGH decision to have to make. As a rodeo fan and season ticket holder, I realize my entertainment/pleasure is NOT as important as someone’s life.. It must have been an agonizing decision. Much Obliged to ya all, for having the courage and strength to make the right one…
Sherry Tarver
May 27, 2020 at 8:43 pm
Yet Disney in Florida is planning to reopen soon.
Dennis Fox
May 27, 2020 at 11:52 pm
Where has our Freedom gone?
Karl Marx
May 28, 2020 at 8:30 am
Re-open the country already, no matter the cost. My family and I can’t even eat inside the darn Mcdonalds or go see the rodeo! THIS IS WYOMING! This corona-conspiracy has gone far enough! They may take away our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!
Harriett Oleson
May 28, 2020 at 3:05 pm
100,000 lives a Conspiracy Really? Because we are blessed to live in one of the few tiny islands of low infection, you think it is a lie?? Maybe if you or someone in your family was one of the 101,000 deaths, one of the millions infected, it would seem real to you.. Where did we get the “RIGHT” to go out to McDonalds or rodeo and be part of infecting Sheridan . To all Sheridanites wearing masks in stores, THANK YOU FOR BEING KIND, CONSIDERATE, RESPECTFUL HUMAN BEINGS. Yes my dear Karl and Dennis wearing a mask is simply being a good person, not a political statement. NO MATTER THE COST Your cost is to DARN HIGH Karl—the health of my fellow citizens, are more important to me than eating inside McDonalds.. THIS IS WYOMING ALL RIGHT, where neighbors used to be more important than inconvenience OR money. Not all of us have forgotten that…
Ellie Medina
May 29, 2020 at 9:27 am
Thank you, Harriett! Finally someone said it!
Fred Osborn
May 29, 2020 at 8:09 am
If your accusation about a conspiracy is correct,then your leaders in the White House and do nothing Senate are behind it.
Ezra petersen
May 29, 2020 at 8:10 pm
Karl Marx, a fitting but suspicious name for this post. I see you wrote this on May 29th McDonalds and any other restaurant in Wyoming have long been allowed to have seating indoors with six feet of spacing between tables. Guess I don’t really go to McDonalds but if the lobby is closed at this time it’s by their choice, not by order of any government.
Ezra petersen
May 29, 2020 at 8:12 pm
Karl Marx, you wrote this post on May 28th it’s been weeks since indoor seating at restaurants was allowed. I guess I don’t really go to McDonalds but if their lobby is closed then it’s by their choice not by order of any government. My suggestion would be not to give them your business if you don’t like their choice. Isn’t that how a free society works, you know the one you falsely believe you live in ?
May 28, 2020 at 11:33 am
This was not a hard decision, in fact it was made easier based on the premise that Chyenne had already lead the way.
Truth be told this should have been done months ago.
Anyone who is complaining about not be able to do things and go out are always the ones in the front of the line asking the opposite when it affects them or thier loved ones directly. Its easy to make mention of “whatever the cost” when you are safe and healthy in your home.
May 28, 2020 at 6:24 pm
So, the other day I came in contact with an elderly gentlemen (face covered, exaggerated distancing…) who broke down and cried “I don’t want to die”.
I told him the undisputable fact-We are all going to die (mostly) but only by the authority of God who thus allows it so. Thus it does not matter if we are in a closet of fear or skydiving…(skydiving is on my bucket list).
The fact of the matter is as I explained to him are the chances of this bug getting you would be like being hit by lightening several times over within seconds. It’s not that we are not going to die, the real tragedy is that we don’t live! I refuse to allow any fear especially death, to rob me of living even one second of living!
1 Corinthians 15:55 Message Translation Bible
Death swallowed by triumphant Life!
Who got the last word, oh, Death?
Oh, Death, who’s afraid of you now?
It was sin that made death so frightening and law-code guilt that gave sin its leverage, its destructive power. But now in a single victorious stroke of Life, all three—sin, guilt, death—are gone, the gift of our Master, Jesus Christ. Thank God!