Governor Gordon Instructs State Agencies to Prepare for COVID-19 Budget Impacts

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon instructed state agencies Wednesday to prepare for COVID-19 budget impacts. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Governor Gordon said that as Wyoming continues to experience the direct and indirect fiscal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, all state agency directors must identify opportunities to immediately reduce spending. Gordon said that this is through the end of the current budget year, which ends on June 30, and into the next two-year budget. Specifically, Governor Gordon immediately directed agencies to institute position freezes, halt general fund contracts greater than $100,000, and implement a rigorous review of major maintenance spending.
The Governor, at a news conference Wednesday, said that while Wyoming will receive significant federal funding through the CARES Act passed by Congress, the funds cannot be used to backfill revenue declines.
The Governor also called for each agency to re-examine their entire budget to adjust spending in relation to revenue and review department priorities listed with the agency’s 2021-2022 biennium budget. He emphasized that the Executive Branch has been preparing for program reductions and that the state cannot adjust spending through across-the-board reductions.