Business Community Update

A business community update was provided to the Sheridan City Council Monday night. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce CEO Dixie Johnson and Downtown Sheridan Association Executive Director Zoila Perry updated the Council and Mayor Roger Miller on the impact COVID-19 has had on local businesses. Johnson said that the first cancellation they had as a result of coronavirus was on March 11, and that since that time, our community, like others around the country and world, are seeing significant impacts. Johnson said that in particular, our business community is suffering, and that suffering is pretty wide spread.
Johnson also touched on the Sheridan Area Employee Relief Fund, which has been established by the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
Johnson said that all donations to the Sheridan Area Employee Relief Fund are tax deductible and 100 percent of funds raised will go to employees in the Sheridan area. DSA Executive Director Zoila Perry discussed the status of the stores in downtown Sheridan.
Perry said that there is a Main Street resource page available on their website, which can be accessed here:
Information on the Sheridan Area Employee Relief Fund as well as a list of resources and updates for area businesses can be found on the Chamber’s website here: