Homeland Security Director on PPE Shortage

During Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon’s COVID-19 news conference Friday, Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Director Lynn Budd provided an update on personal protective equipment for hospitals in the state.
Budd said that they’ve partnered with the Army Corps of Engineers to identify alternate care sites in the event that additional space is needed for patients. Governor Gordon, at the news conference, said that the federal government has directed shipments of PPE that were intended for Wyoming to other parts of the country that are deemed to be “hot spots” for COVID-19. A visibly frustrated Gordon said that it is extremely frustrating when there are orders that are supposed to be on their way to Wyoming and FEMA is preempting that order.

April 5, 2020 at 3:04 am
If we don’t get Americans picking the crops about to go bad, we’ll have food shortages and riots worse than what was seen in 1969. No one sane is eating the meat from dead humans.
Auburn Henderson
April 5, 2020 at 3:12 am
Although it would be nice to think that Wyoming would receive the same help from the government when we become a hotspot – there are many factors that would result in it being unlikely. I hope that Wyoming can centralize it’s focus as much as possible. Thinking ahead of the recommendations would be Wyoming’s best attempt to help its residents. I pray for our State and local leaders.