City of Sheridan Announces Changes in City Hall Operations

Due to recent changes in protocol from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, the City of Sheridan has adopted new temporary protocols to stay in compliance. The Customer Service Division normally sees about 150 walk-in customers a day, often for issues that under the current CDC guidelines, can be handled in a more appropriate manner.
If you’re sick, please remain at home and call or use our on-line services. If you are well and you feel that your issue must be handled in person, we ask that you call and schedule an appointment.
People who enter City Hall will be asked to remain behind the rope barrier until they are assisted. If you schedule an appointment, you will be given directions on how to proceed.
The City is temporarily suspending the issuance of passports through April 20th. With the restrictions currently in place for international travel, this is prudent. For those with urgent travel needs, please visit for more information.
Utility Customers who pay their bills in person at City Hall are asked to use the supplied drop box located at the Gould Street entrance.
Customers are encouraged to use online options for payment. There is no charge for using a credit card. You can access this option at . Call us if you need assistance with online payment.
Municipal Court will continue operations with the next session held on March 23rd. For all initial appearances, until further notice, citizens scheduled for court will be contacted and provided with the option to submit their plea in writing in lieu of having to appear in person.
Trials are scheduled for March 30th with no plan at this time to suspend. Citizens wishing to defer their trial to a later date may do so with a request in writing to Judge Klepperich. For questions, please call (307) 675-4206. Citizens are strongly encouraged to pay their court fines online, at Fines may also be paid at the drop box located at the Gould Street entrance in the form of a money order or cashier’s check.
We are requesting to have building and remodel plans submitted online only at
== . We will continue to staff our phones and will schedule inspection appointments. We are asking our customers to follow the CDC guidelines of maintaining a 6 foot separation from our inspectors for your protection and theirs during these times. The general Information number at City Hall is 307-674-6483. Please use this number for appointments or with questions that are not covered above. Thank your support in protecting our community and employees. City staff is here to serve and assist you so please do not hesitate to call.