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Tribley Pens Letter to Students

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Dear Students of the Northern Wyoming Community College District,

Last Thursday, March 12, 2020, our College District, including Gillette College, Sheridan College, and Sheridan College in Johnson County, announced that we will remain closed through April 5, 2020. We hope to reopen on Monday, April 6. However, the impact of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) on our region and state may require us to modify our timeline. Please check regularly for the latest information as this situation evolves.

This difficult decision was made to protect your health and that of our employees, as well as the communities in which we serve. We all must do our part to help what epidemiologists refer to as “flattening the curve.”

At the same time, we continue to focus on our mission: education. As your community college, we play a vital role in providing access to education to everyone who wants it. We partner with local business owners and managers to train employees. We meet you, our students, where you are, and we help you reach your educational goals.

Our focus on student success has not changed, even during this uncertain time. We recognize the disruption that “hitting pause” on our semester is causing you, your family and your employers. During this extended break from all regular classes and activities, our faculty and staff are working hard to prepare creative delivery methods to continue to be able to provide instruction, even if in-person classes are not possible.

We commit to doing everything within our power to help you successfully complete the classes in which you are currently enrolled.

It is impossible to know, at this time, if our decisions will have the desired effect of helping to contain the spread of COVID-19. As we navigate the coming days and weeks, please know that your community college will remain steadfast in our commitment to your education.

Remember, our faculty and staff are here to support you as you continue your educational journey and meet these new challenges with grace, patience, and persistence.

With gratitude,

Dr. Walter Tribley
NWCCD President

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