Goose Creek Transit Suspends Service

Due to COVID-19 concerns, Goose Creek Transit is suspending service on the fixed route bus effective Tuesday, March 17, 2020. And in order to protect our drivers and the public in general, our door to door service will now become a delivery service only with very limited exceptions.
If you have need for groceries and order them using the Walmart app, call the Goose Creek Transit office at 675-7433 and we can help deliver those items to your home. You can order through Walmart’s grocery site at
Door to door services are also suspended except in cases of medically necessary doctor visits such as dialysis, chemo therapy, etc. If you need transportation to a medically necessary visit, please contact Goose Creek Transit office at 675-7433 to determine if we can provide transportation. We hope to resume our normal service level as soon as possible.