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Two COVID Cases in County Linked

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The two presumptive positive cases of the COVID-19 virus in Sheridan County appear to be linked to one another, according to the Wyoming Department of Health.

Both patients, one female and one male, are currently isolated in their own homes and are being monitored by Sheridan County Public Health. Both are currently reported doing well.

The male patient was tested out of state and returned home to Sheridan County by personal vehicle.

To date, only three cases of COVID-19 virus have been reported in Wyoming. The third case is on Fremont County. All other Sheridan County test results have returned negative.

County officials report the situation remains fluid and ever-changing.

Sheridan Memorial Hospital has a dedicated COVID-19 (coronavirus) phone number, which is (307) 672-1004. The line is strictly for those who have symptoms and think they may be infected with the virus. Symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath.

The public is encouraged to follow the guidelines outlined by the Center for Disease Control and Wyoming Department of Health. Those include:

Avoid contact within 6 feet of those who are sick or may have been exposed.

Stay home if you’re sick, although if you are concerned you may have more than a cold, consult your physician.

Elderly and individuals vulnerable to the virus should avoid gatherings of 250 or more people.

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Testing for COVID-19 is continuing locally, but available test kits are still limited. Authorities are asking that the public not overwhelm healthcare officials with requests for tests if they are not at risk.

Local links are listed here:

Sheridan Memorial Hospital:

Sheridan VA:

Sheridan College:

Sheridan School District 1:

Sheridan School District 2:

Sheridan School District 3:

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