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Decision Reached in County Commissioner Lawsuit

On Tuesday, March 12, Judge Thomas Sullins handed down a decision in the case of the Sheridan County Republican Party vs four Sheridan County Commissioners. The judge found in favor of the defendants, the four county commissioners, and against the Sheridan County Republican Party.
Judge Sullins stated that, “Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, plaintiff has not met its burden of proof and is not entitled to recovery on its claim for relief for removal from office of Defendant Commissioners.”
The judge added that based upon the foregoing conclusions of law on the claim for relief asserted in the Plaintiff’s complaint in the above-captioned matter, judgment be, and hereby is, entered in favor of the defendants, Christi Haswell, Lonnie Wright, Tom Ringley and Nick Siddle, against the plaintiff Sheridan County Republican Party.
The Sheridan County Republican Party alleged that the above-named Sheridan County Commissioners failed to do their duty in the August 29 meeting, when they failed to appoint a replacement for Allen Thompson from the list of three nominees provided to them by the Sheridan County Republican Committee.

Dennis Fox
March 12, 2024 at 4:50 pm
The Lawlessness that’s infecting America, has come home to Wyoming. The two-tiered “in-justice” system is real and it’s here.
Guess the next time we see a law that says, “Shall” as in “Shall” pay taxes; we can just use our own “discretion” and disregard it if it’s not a “good fit” for us?
In reality, the Failed Four commissioners LOST….Our Respect.
Darren Rogers
March 13, 2024 at 10:49 am
A poorly conceived item of sore-loser revenge litigation gone wrong.
Lanette Pinkerton
March 13, 2024 at 12:54 pm
200% true statement
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2024 at 5:11 pm
The Republican Party was not the loser. The Party nominated three solid, real republicans and today, one of them proudly sits on the Board. We, and the good People of Sheridan County won, thanks to a un-biased Judge who correctly read and applied the law and picked one of the three Party Nominees. Just like the Law stipulates.
This latest case was simply a legitimate effort to hold our elected officials accountable, when they deviate from established law. If one isn’t following the law, one is breaking it, right? The Four commissioners Failed to follow the the law. They Failed to pick one out of three nominees. They Broke the Law.
Deciding between three choices is something school-kids could do playing rock, paper, scissors.
Yet four grown adults were un-able to select one person to fill a vacancy?
Come on! Give me a break!
Are they incompetent, stupid or just plain devious?
The facts are very clear. They failed to do their job. Period. And their public statements made clear they intended to fail.
The lawsuit was an attempt to prevent repeat lawlessness and was simply trying to hold our Public Servants Accountable to both We the People and the Rule of Law.
It’s troubling that anyone in Wyoming would try to defend Lawlessness. Do we really want to be like DC?
Dennis Fox
March 15, 2024 at 11:26 am
It’s telling that some of the usual hard-left posters on this site, are also the “defenders” of our supposedly “republican” commissioners. It’s obvious the “Failed Four” commissioners are only “faux” Republicans…at best.
In reality, the board has long-been composed of Liberal Dems, Masquerading as Republicans.
The leftist-lock on the Board is coming to an end.
Dennis Fox
March 27, 2024 at 4:18 pm
The lawsuit was a noble attempt to hold our public servants accountable for their failure to follow the law.
If we don’t hold them accountable, then they are more likely to break the law, again. We could end up like the lawlessness in DC and NYC. And we don’t want that here in Wyoming.
I was truly heartbroken when a women was nominated to join Chris on the Board…and she refused to “second” the nomination. Imagine a women who didn’t want another women to join her on the board? And I can only conclude that Queen Chris either didn’t want a real Republican on the Board or she wanted to be the lone “Queen”. It smacks of prejudice, bias and discrimination.
Solomon Morris
March 13, 2024 at 11:11 am
They’ve gained my respect for enduring this frivolous lawsuit. I am saddened that my taxes shall be paying for the costs associated with this.
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2024 at 10:53 pm
Defending the Rule of Law is never “frivolous.” Rejecting three fully qualified candidates and brazenly violating the proper procedures for filling a vacancy, was the height of arrogance. Not to mention a huge slap in the face to the thousands of folks who voted for the three real Republicans. But then the four failed commissioners don’t know what a real republican is.
Christy even filed first as a Dem, then re-filed as a Republican. Can trust someone who doesn’t even know which party she belongs in.
Ezra Petersen
March 15, 2024 at 3:18 pm
The Republican Party was not defending the rule of law. Your vaunted judicial system that you worship determined there was no violation of any laws. No one wanted who any of the people you wanted appointed to be commissioner anyways otherwise they would have won in the election. So who cares if a law was broken anyways? The county party is a crock, why do you have a bylaw committee? You can’t make laws you have zero power over anything. The county party is an embarsssment, just a bunch of people who perennially run for office and never get elected so they do this instead and meet up to grovel and complain. I don’t know who donates to these clowns. I vote Republican, I am a Republican but the people involved in this party do not represent me. I have no use for you.
Dennis Fox
March 15, 2024 at 4:21 pm
The three Party nominees received a total of more than 8,000 votes, with (now) Commissioner Jennings finishing just 2% of the vote short of (departed) Sheriff Thompson. She was the logical next-person-up to fill the vacancy (as she now is doing very well), thanks to a non-biased Judge, who followed the Law. All Chris or any of the “failed four” had to do was say, “Second” and their job would have been done. Vacancy filled and no law-breaking or court involvement.
But the four failed commissioners intended to break the law and they did just that!
All we were trying to do was hold them accountable to their Oath of Office.
“So who cares if the law was broken?”
That’s about as un-American a statement as I’ve ever heard! Western Civilization and America were founded on the 2,000 year-old, Judeo-Christian principle of the Rule Of Law.
Toss that bedrock, foundational Principle out the window and we lose America.
But, as I’ve already said, that loss is happening all over America. It’s just a crying shame to see Wyoming lose the rule of law, too.
Dennis Fox
March 23, 2024 at 5:43 pm
So now are taxes go to pay the salary of Law-Breakers.
We can’t Fire the “Failed Four” fast enough. It’s the only way to return the Rule of Law to Sheridan County.
The good people of Sheridan County deserve better.
We will accept Resignations from the “Four Failed” commissioners, (Chris, Nikki, Wrong and Ringer) at anytime.
-Better to Resign than be Fired!
Charles Cole
March 12, 2024 at 7:11 pm
Well, apparently the word “shall” no longer means what it has meant for a couple of centuries. I guess whenever we see the word “shall” in the law, it must really mean something like “sort of should.” Disgrace!
Ezra Petersen
March 13, 2024 at 5:24 pm
But the statute says that the court shall make an appointment if they do not . That’s what happened. So even if the party had standing there is no relief they can seek. The seat was filled. I’m sure the commissioners are schemers and all that but you are not going to beat the system by working with the system.
Dennis Fox
March 14, 2024 at 11:26 am
The clause in the statute, that sends it to a judge; is there Only for a single case. When a three-person Board is trying to fill a vacancy And the two voting members Split the vote 1-1. If, after successive discussion and several Re-votes…they are still deadlocked, then and Only then, is a Judge required, to be the tie-breaker.
In all other cases the board can, should and is required by law to fill the vacancy themselves.
Sending it to a Judge is NOT part of the normal replacement procedure. It is a Fail-Safe. A safety-net, if it’s required….in that one special case. There’s no valid reason 4 adults can’t choose One out of Three Nominees…As Required By Law! Chair abstains and serves as the Tie-breaker, If needed. They should have voted and re-voted, until they picked ONE to fill the vacancy. And Why didn’t the Chair vote AT ALL? She completely abdicated her responsibility under The Law! The Four Commissioners Failed to Follow the Law! Period.
Forcing a Judge to do their Job was a complete Dereliction of Duty. A Courts Martial Offense in the military and at least, the removal of the Chair-person in this case. This isn’t a difficult process folks. The failed four made it so, by intentionally planning to Fail to select. And Everybody knows it!
Jolene Olson
March 12, 2024 at 7:24 pm
Common cents prevails. Now let’s everyone do their work without needless and costly interruption.
mark steingass
March 12, 2024 at 9:03 pm
This decision handed down is no surprise…the complaint was full of holes in the first place…what a waste of everyone’s time and taxpayer money…vicious small town politics.
Bryan Miller
March 13, 2024 at 2:44 pm
The judge ignored the facts of the case and instead led with his view that the only party who had a role other than the the County Commissioners to play in the appointment process has no standing. If not the party referenced in the statute who also had statutory duties we fulfilled to the letter of the law, who would have standing?
In my opinion the judge errored in this case and it will cost $50k to prove differently. I think he knows that and he knows he can hide behind the curtains of the Wyoming Judicial System all day long as he’s a retired judge working on the side and won’t be on a ballot for retaining in the future.
I had been told by several members of the legal community that he was a just and honorable judge and would follow the law and do the right thing by the people. Today, I’m not convinced.
God Bless,
Bryan Miller
mark steingass
March 13, 2024 at 7:51 pm
I surely do not need or want your blessing…your vicious actions are a direct reflection of you, your followers and how you abuse our political and judicial system…this behavior is simply negative, unvirtuous and destructive…bad karma
Bryan Miller
March 14, 2024 at 11:07 am
Vicious actions? What is vicious about asking our electeds to follow the same laws that we are expected to follow? By the way, approximately 80% of the registered voters of Sheridan County are registered as Republicans, all of which vote for the 106 members of the Central Committee that you refer to as “my followers”. You use a very broad brush to paint with as you go after the nearly 12,000 registered Republicans in Sheridan County. Bottom line, we are simply pointing out the facts of the case and the situation we find ourselves in, one where certain people like yourself, seem to be thrilled that four of our County Commissioners can break the law and go unscathed by the justice system. Their actions impact everyone in the County and by extension, the State of Wyoming anytime lawlessness by electeds goes unchecked.
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2024 at 10:41 pm
I think the courts used the same flimsy “no standing” excuse in Trump’s case. If the president doesn’t have standing to contest the election he was in….maybe it’s no surprise a retired judge would try it, too. Why rock the boat when it’s already sinking anyway?
It’s just a shame to see this lawlessness come home to Wyoming. It kinda breaks this old veteran’s heart.
mark steingass
March 14, 2024 at 10:53 am
LOL…sure the old verteran who posted in this forum that “in the military they treat you like a dog”
Dennis Fox
March 14, 2024 at 12:23 pm
Again, you have me confused with someone else. I have never and would never make such a crass statement. I’m extremely proud of my military service. It was an honor to defend our Country and Constitution. So that we all could enjoy our God-given Rights and Freedoms.
Say what you will, but the Four commissioners Failed everyone in Sheridan County, by deliberately Failing to follow the Law.
Darren Rogers
March 13, 2024 at 2:16 am
The emperor has no clothes as the saying goes. The Sheridan County Republican Party is doing a great job at wasting tax-payers money.
By the way, has Bryan Miller paid his $10,000 SAWs project bill to the County per his contract with the County yet?
Bryan Miller
March 13, 2024 at 2:21 pm
Mr. Rogers,
The judge ignored the facts of the case and simply stated that the one party who was impacted by the decision does not have standing to bring the case. It was and is a weak minded argument used when there is no other legitimate way out for the judge to avoid removing electeds who violate the law. In this case, the judge determined that the citizens have no recourse to hold electeds accountable in between elections. You seem pleased by this notion. We are not.
As for paying an additional $10,000.00 above the $30,000.00 plus I already put into a project where I agreed to pay just 10k? There is a state statue that provides for offset of costs already paid that our three County Commissioners (Siddle, Haswell, Wright) and two City Council members (Bridger and Luhman) and their lawyer (Wendtland) have decided to ignore in their effort to punish a private citizen who saved the city and county more $169,000 in costs to protect the SAWS 20 in waterline from further flood erosion.
And, it so happens that suit against me was filed by the SAWSJPB just 7 days after the Republican Party announced they would be going forward with the Section 523 filing for the Commissioners failing to do their statutory duties. It was my job as the Chairman of the Party to follow through on the Central Committee’s decision, I did my job.
What they are doing is called political retribution and its being done by the very officials you are so fond of defending. Be careful what you sow here as you could be next on their list if you don’t roll over like a good little puppy when they tell you to. Let’s hope not, as you will likely be standing all alone when they come for you.
God Bless,
Bryan Miller
Lanette Pinkerton
March 13, 2024 at 7:59 am
This is great news. Now just let them do their job. This was a ridiculous lawsuit brought on by individuals who keep running for office and citizens of Sheridan County see right through them and decline to elect them.
mark steingass
March 13, 2024 at 10:25 am
Solomon Morris
March 13, 2024 at 8:58 am
So who’s paying for court cost of this lawsuit? Is it the group that brought this lawsuit about? Probably not.
THankfully the Judge took his time to comb over the facts, did his due diligence, and made sound judgement.
Hopefully, the Sheridan County GOP can come to terms with the results of their defeat and work with our County Commissioners in the future.
Dennis Fox
March 13, 2024 at 4:33 pm
That the Four commissioners Failed to do their job is a fact.
The law clearly states, “The commissioners SHALL select from one of the three Nominees”. The commissioners Failed to do their job and cited only flimsy excuses in court, as a cover. They deliberately used the wrong voting procedure and the Chairperson failed to either “move or second”. Her Failure to vote, at all, caused this whole expensive thing! She was supposed to be the tie-breaker under Robert’s Rules. She Failed. Blame her or any of the four for failing to “second” anyone. Had any of the four failed commissioners uttered one simple word: “Second” none of this would have happened. The blame for failure and huge expense, rests squarely with the commissioners. All we were doing was trying to hold them accountable.
The law says it ONLY goes to a Judge IF the commissioners “Fail to select”. It went to a judge, therefore they did EXACTLY what the lawsuit claims…They failed to select any of the three. They Failed to do their JOB. They short-circuited the democratic process by failing to select and forcing a lone Judge to do their Job.
The four failed commissioners may have won this case, but the rule of law and the People of Wyoming LOST big time. This sets a very bad the president. If public servants don’t like the law…they can just subvert it or disregard it totally. Not very servile is it?
Supporting the failed four is supporting lawlessness…something that’s infected other parts of America…and now Wyoming.
mark steingass
March 14, 2024 at 10:56 am
blah, blah, blah…the judge sees it differently and if you or the republican party doesn’t like it then quit complaining and appeal the decision
Dennis Fox
March 14, 2024 at 12:31 pm
Fact, fact, fact..a single judge is not the final arbiter of the Law. We the People are always the final say.
And we are not complaining. We are simply pointing out the Law and the Facts of this case. Think of it as educating the Public, as a community service.
Read the Law governing replacing/filling a vacancy on the Board and it will be readily apparent that the four commissioners Failed to follow the Law. Despite what the judge ruled, facts and the Law are what they are.
Dennis Fox
March 14, 2024 at 10:55 pm
If any one of the four commissioners had uttered just one simply word (second) they would have filled the vacancy and prevented all of the hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars that were expended.
Even though they used the wrong voting procedure and even though Christy refused to vote/second at all.
They would have done their job and filled the seat.
As it was, the four failed commissioners arrogantly refused to do their statutory duty and tried to “end-run” the Law and get one of their cronies installed. For shame.
And they Failed at that, too.
Result: they are much less respected, by many of the good citizens in Sheridan County. (my polling data) and Chris, Nikki, Wrong and Ringer, will always be known as the “Failed Four” commissioners.
(Still time for one of them to come clean, though)
Michael Johnson
March 19, 2024 at 7:49 pm
Mr. Fox, This article is from the Sheridan Press on August 10, 2016
Seems you’ve been a very unhappy man for quite sometime. Every two years it probably gets worse Looks like according to your thoughts back then, the failed four is ALL WE NEED. You’re always looking for something that, in your eyes “needs fixed” that’s not really broken. You’re certainly not the leader type that would have someone stand up and say WOW, he is right. That’s obvious by how many times you’ve lost at the polls. It looks like you wanted to do something illegal back in 2016. Good thing the failed four prevented that from happening. I don’t even see where your fellow committee members support you in anything you’ve written on this site or the press. Interesting.
I’m sure we’ll see you out on the street corners holding signs that make us wonder who in the world is that guy and why would anyone pay attention to him. So until then…
August 10, 2016
Incumbents Call Fox Proposal Unethical , Illegal
SHERIDAN — As the primary election draws closer, one candidate has argued that the system in which Sheridan County voters vote for Republican candidates is flawed.
Republican Sheridan County Commission candidate Dennis Fox has actively protested against the county board having five commissioners, saying that there are too many individuals on the board for its workload.
He also said the primaries are unfair, essentially securing an incumbent a spot in the general election.
In an information sheet he provided to the Sheridan County Commission at its Aug. 2 meeting, Fox wrote that the election is “legally rigged” and presents an unfair advantage to the incumbents. Sheridan County Commissioner Tom Ringley, who is seeking re-election, said that Fox’s proposal is not only unethical but illegal. He said Fox’s system strips voters of one of their votes. Additionally, he said commissioners have no say over how many votes voters can cast in an election.
“I am shocked that someone running for that office would not have a basic idea of statutory requirements and responsibilities,” Ringley added. “It is just inherently wrong to ask anyone to do this. By altering a ballot to only allow one vote for a county commission candidate deprives people of their right to vote for two candidates,” Ringley said in response to Fox’s statement. “I find it extraordinary that anyone would suggest that the county commission would want to be complicit with that kind of thought.”
According to Wyoming statutes, “Adjacent to the title of the office shall be printed ‘Vote for one’ or if more than one (1) are to be voted for, ‘Vote for not more than,’ then the appropriate words and figures designating the proper number to be elected.”
Dennis Fox
March 20, 2024 at 12:00 am
Questions that are still un-answered:
-Why did the Board quit after just one failed vote?
-Why didn’t they use a simple vote, with Chair as the Tie-breaker?
-Why didn’t any of the failed four “second” any of the three nominees?
-Why did someone file the very next day with a Judge?
-Was it Pre-planned?
-Didn’t the failed four commissioners know the 3 were all qualified under the law?
Dennis Fox
March 20, 2024 at 2:25 pm
Incumbent commissioners have had a 100% re-election rate since 2008. That only happens in rigged elections, like China and North Korea. Multi-seat, multi-vote elections are “non-standard” and give several advantages to incumbents that are impossible in a “Standard” one-seat, one vote election.
Vote-splitting, 2-on-1 matchups and winning before the election even starts; are just some of the advantages. If we want free and fair elections for county commissioner, all we need do is return to all “Standard” (one-seat, one-vote) elections. And there are a number of simple ways to do that. But that assumes we want fair election for commissioners. The powers that be, seem to prefer communist-style, legally rigged elections, that keep their iron grip on political power. Details to follow in the book.
Laura Hoff
March 22, 2024 at 9:07 am
Read the Law, follow the Law, not a choice commissioners. Here or anywhere.
Dennis Fox
March 22, 2024 at 1:43 pm
Exactly right! Filling a vacancy is a simple, 2-step process that upholds the democratic process used in elections. It just does it quickly and without the expense of a special election.
1. The party (of the vacating member) appoints three Nominees.
2. The commission selects one of the three.
-Vacancy filled. Job done.
There is no third “option” or 3rd Step in the process.
-The Clause at the end of the Law, that sends it to a judge is there ONLY as a Fail-Safe or Safety-net.
A judge appointment is NOT part of the Normal Process!
Commish Chris mistakenly tried to meld the “send-it-to-a Judge” emergency clause into the process.
She was Wrong!
And evidence strongly indicates she failed willfully!
(Why else would her cohort file with a Judge, the very next day)?
It was an obvious, pre-planned Failure Scheme.
They tried to “end-run” the Law. And they failed there, too.
A judge is ONLY required when a three-member board deadlocks, 1-1 on picking a replacement. And then, only after the two members try repeatedly to vote and re-vote till they fill the vacancy.
Then and Only then is a judge needed to step-in and break the tie.
There’s absolutely no excuse for four adults to fail at their job of picking 1 out of 3, Fully Qualified nominees.
The Four Failed all of Sheridan county!
All they had to do was have the Chair abstain, unless there was a 1-1-1 tie. She would then step in and break the tie.
She Failed to do that.
She Failed to “second” any of the nominees.
-She completely abstained from voting and thus FAILED to do her job as the Chair.
The Board Failed to Fill the Vacancy. That is a FACT.
Commish Chris is the one MOST Responsible for the Failure of the Four to Fill that Vacancy.
She should admit her mistake and ask for forgiveness.
If not. She must be removed from office, either by a Judge of by the voters.