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Community Meeting on Fires Wednesday Evening in Birney, MT

A community meeting on the fires in NE Wyoming and southern Montana will be held Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Birney, Montana Post Office, located at 302 Commercial Street.
Also, private landowners that have heavy equipment line or fences cut during the fire suppression efforts can contact fire officials at (307) 303-7642.
For the update on the fires for August 27, containment is increasing while firefighters focus on extinguishing hotspots and holding lines.
Fire specifics: the Flat Rock Fire, 11 miles NW of Gillette, sits at 52,500 acres with 49% containment; the Remington Fire, 14 NE of Leiter, is at 196,000 acres and 5% containment; the Constitution Fire, 15 miles north of Gillette, is roughly 25,000 acres and at 28% containment; and the House Draw Fire, 9 miles southeast of Buffalo, sits at about 175,000 acres with 88% containment.
Resources on the fires include 14 crews, or 581 personnel; 7 helicopters, 50 engines, 8 bulldozers, and 7 water tenders
Fire activity was reduced on several of the fires on Monday, August 26, due to precipitation that fell across the region. Tuesday, firefighters were to target hot spots and begin assessing suppression repair needs, and assess and map dozer lines for suppression repair.
Containment has increased on the Flat Rock and Remington fires.
No evacuations are in effect on the Flat Rock, Constitution, Remington or House Draw fires.
More Information is listed here:
InciWeb (House Draw Fire):
InciWeb (Remington Fire):
Public Information Linktree:
Fire Information Phone: 307-201-3885 (8 a.m. – 8 p.m.)
Media Information Phone: 307-543-7202 (8 a.m. – 8 p.m.)
Suppression Repair Phone: 307-303-7642 (8 a.m. – 8 p.m.)