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No Temperature Records Broken In Sheridan Area During Recent Arctic Cold Snap

The recent arctic blast that hit the Sheridan area may still be fresh in many people’s minds, but it won’t be remembered in the record books, because according to records, it’s been worse.
According to readings from the Sheridan County Airport that were recorded by the National Weather Service Office in Billings, Montana, not one record low temperature was broken, between December 19th through the 23rd, although 1 record was challenged.
The low temperatures for December 19th and 20th, were negative 2, and negative 8 respectively.
The record low temperatures for both of those days is negative 25 set in 1924 and 1990.
On December 21st, a low temperature of negative 22 was recorded, and the record low for that day was negative 35 set in 1989.
The temperature got down to negative 23 on both December 22nd and 23rd, but the records of negative 35 set in 1989 and negative 28 set in 1983 still stand.
The record that was almost broken was the lowest high temperature recorded for a specific day.
On December 22nd, the high temperature was negative 5.
The lowest high temperature ever recorded for that day was negative 6, in 1983.
Sheridan’s all-time record low temperature was negative 41, set on December 9th, 1919.
All temperature readings do not include wind chill.
Click here to see daily high and low temperature records for Sheridan.