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Downtown Sheridan Association Meets With Business Owners Regarding Main Street

In about 3 months many downtown Sheridan businesses and building owners will start to undergo a challenge as they try to get through the inevitable, but some are hoping some smaller details can be addressed to try to minimize the impact.
Work is scheduled to begin in April on 7 blocks of road concrete along Main Street and the project is scheduled to take 2 summer construction seasons to complete.
At the same time, the city of Sheridan will work on a number of underground utility projects such as replacing water and sewer lines.
A 3-block rolling closure will be in effect for the duration of the work, however sidewalks will remain open, but some of them at road corners will be worked on to make them more ADA compliant.
Recently the Downtown Sheridan Association held a public meeting to listen to ideas on how to minimize the impact the project will have on businesses.
Among the ideas that were suggested were trying to find ways to promote more local on-line sales and increasing enforcement of parking along the areas of Main Street that are not closed.
Scot Rendall is the Director of Impact Sheridan.
He says when it comes to dealing with ideas and concerns, the ones that will get the earliest and more attention will be those that have the most merit.
“The downtown business owners are very very concerned and there needs to be some planning. Some of it has happened, there’s a lot to go in terms of being able to get through this, but I think the spirit of Sheridan is to rally around Main Street and to make sure that the issues are mitigated as much as possible.”
The Downtown Sheridan Association has a marketing and promotions meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, thus the next meeting is scheduled to take place on February 8th.