Breaking News
SCSO: update on alert and evacuation status of locations threatened by the Elk Fire

Working with the team managing the Elk Fire, the Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office has changed the evacuation levels in a few areas and added some new areas.
Areas that are now in “Go” or “Set” will see law enforcement presence and will be contacted by law enforcement.
New areas in “Go” include:
Eaton’s Ranch
New areas in “Set” include:
West of Beckton Road from Dayton, continuing south to the intersection of Beckton Road and Big Goose Road. This also includes the area west of Rapid Creek Road.
New area in “Ready”:
The area west of Bear Gulch Trail to Big Horn Road to Beaver Creek Road to Owl Creek Road and then directly north to Soldier Creek Road and then west to Beckton Road.
New road closures, with access only to locals:
Beckton Hall Road at the intersection with Big Goose Road
Bighorn Road at intersection of Beaver Creek Road
Big Goose is closed at the intersection with Beckton Road
Stay vigilant and respect law enforcement as they work the area.
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Jeff Wallack
October 4, 2024 at 1:41 pm
Have pasture available for emergency use east of Sheridan off Hwy 14 towards Ucross/Claremont. Call Jeff Wallack 307.200.8554