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Wyoming High School All-State Music Conference To Take Place In Sheridan

Wyoming High School musicians and singers are tuning up to perform with the best in the state.
Sheridan will host the 76th annual All-State Music Conference from January 15 through the 17th at the high school.
More than 400 select student musicians, 250 music educators and 30 exhibitors from throughout the state will participate in Wyoming’s largest musical event of the year.
The event will feature 2 public concerts.
The first will be the opening night on Sunday, January 15th at 7:30pm in the large gymnasium.
The performance will feature the Skyline Singers, the Sheridan High School Marimba Ensemble and the Sheridan County Youth Choir who will be joined by the High School Honor Choir and High School Chamber Orchestra for one song.
There is no admission charge for the Sunday night performance.
After that, the students will spend 2 full days in rehearsal with nationally known guest conductors for the final concert, while the educators are attending various educational workshops.
Then on Tuesday night, the final culminating Gala Concert will take place featuring the All-State Band, All-State Orchestra and All-State Choir.
The admission charge for the event is $5 for adults and $4 for students.
A total of more than 40 musicians and singers from Sheridan, Big Horn and Tongue River High Schools will be participating.