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Wyoming AARP Warns Of Post-Holiday Scams

With the holiday season just about over, scammers will soon turn to their post-holiday tricks to try to get money from anyone.
The Wyoming AARP is alerting senior citizens of 3 scams that are common around this time of year.
The first is the credit repair scam, as tricksters try to pounce on the fact that you may have spent more money during the holidays than you should’ve, or you may have made it a goal in 2023 to do a better job managing your debt.
Scammers say if you provide a fee up front to them, they’ll take care of things for you.
They may also try to get you to stop talking with your creditors.
Another scam involves asking for a favor.
You might get an email request from someone disguised as your boss, a co-worker, a friend, or a community leader asking for help in getting last minute gifts, or helping a family in need.
The scammer requests you get gift cards and that you give them the card numbers afterwards.
After that, the scammer has the money, and the so-called intended recipients get nothing, and you lose your money.
The third scam involves your utility bill.
Scammers are counting on the fact that you probably used a lot of electricity with holiday lights at your place, or your gas or electric heater worked overtime the past 2 weeks, in light of the recent weather.
The Wyoming AARP says if you get a surprise call, email or visit from someone who says they work for a utility company and are asking for immediate money, don’t engage them, and contact your utility company directly.
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