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Sheridan County And Sheridan County School District 2 Could Join SEEDA

The Sheridan Economic and Education Development Authority could soon have more members.
At the recent SEEDA Strategic Planning Meeting, representatives from both Sheridan County and Sheridan County School District 2 expressed interest in wanting to become partner-entity members.
School District 2 used to be a partner-entity with SEEDA then left.
No one was sure when that was or why.
SEEDA Administrator Robert Briggs says if approved, SEEDA would have more resources and collaboration.
“I think each of the entities sees potential collaboration with SEEDA’s overall mission which is really creating projects and opportunities around both education and economic development. So I think both Sheridan County and Sheridan County School District 2 saw a potential to collaborate and to synergize with what SEEDA’s doing.”
Briggs adds it could take up to 6 months before anything becomes official, because all sides have certain procedures to follow, and everything must get final approval from the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office.