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Craft to Step Down as SCSD2 Assistant Superintendent

At their Board Retreat on March 19, Sheridan County School District #2 Trustees approved the resignation of Mitch Craft from his position as assistant superintendent.
He will complete his current contract, working for the district through the end of June. “I cannot thank the SCSD2 team enough for the experiences over the last 15 years,” said Craft. “I have learned an immeasurable amount from the countless quality professionals I’ve worked with.” “I have always felt valued and challenged in my various roles, and I will be ever grateful for the opportunity to serve alongside so many outstanding, caring educators in service to our community’s children,” Craft said.
Craft started his career in K-12 education in the fall of 2001, teaching English at Big Horn High School for six years. In 2007, he was hired as an assistant principal at Sheridan Junior High School and moved into the head principal position one year later. After nine years at SJHS, Craft was appointed to his current role as district assistant superintendent.

According to superintendent of schools Scott Stults, “Mitch is an amazing educator who truly will be hard to replace as a result of his intentional, focused, and data driven work, all done alongside our staff and administrators. He has had a profound impact on our district and will be deeply missed. We wish him only the best as we await what he achieves next.”
“The outstanding team assembled across SCSD2 is something I will miss without question,” said Craft. “I work with great people, and I believe strongly in their direction and focus on quality.” Craft currently has no firm plans for his future. “After 21 years in education, it is simply time for a change,” he stated. “I have the love and full support of my family as I explore options for the next chapter in my life.”
The district has initiated the search for a new assistant superintendent over the course of the spring, following the standard hiring process