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Sheridan Hawks Hockey Fights Cancer
As part of the Hawks Hockey Fights Cancer program, The Sheridan Junior Hawks continue to assist in the fight against cancer.

As part of the Hawks Hockey Fights Cancer program, The Sheridan Junior Hawks continue to assist Sheridan Memorial Hospital in the fight against cancer. During a recent home game, special pink jerseys were worn which are being auctioned with proceeds to benefit the Welch Cancer Center. The auction will continue until October 24th, at 8 pm. View special jerseys at
The Hawks also participated in a virtual event for The Link Partners in Pink, where the team walked, jogged and ran to show their support, comfort, and care for the patients and families at the Welch Cancer Center. Anyone wanting to join can use their mobile device to keep track of distance and time, then upload their finish time and any pictures they may have. Download the free Virtual Race app on the Apple or Google Play Store. The Virtual race ends on October 31, 2021, find out more at