Sheridan Police Department to promote four members Friday

The Sheridan Police Department will be promoting four members on Friday, May 7.
Sergeant James Hill has worked in the department since September of 2009 and currently leads the Criminal Investigation Division. Hill will be promoted to lieutenant and will lead the Support Services Bureau.
Sergeant Danny Keller started with the department in December of 2008 and currently leads a patrol team. Keller will be promoted to lieutenant and lead the department’s Patrol Bureau.
Corporal Jacob Board has been with the department since July of 2018 and is currently responsible for first line leadership on a patrol team. Board will be promoted to sergeant and lead his own patrol team.
Officer Chase Philipp started with the department in November of 2018. Philipp will be promoted to corporal and will be responsible for first line leadership on a patrol team and for learning SPD leadership philosophies.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse, Sheridan Police Department Chief Travis Koltiska told listeners why the promotion process is regimented and vital to the community.
Candidates eligible for promotion within the department must undergo a rigorous three-step process. First, the candidates must take a written exam, testing their base of knowledge concerning agency regulations and procedures. The candidates are then sent to an assessment center to undergo a series of tests and role-play scenarios determining various character traits.
The final evaluation involves the candidate facing an oral board. This board, made up of law enforcement leaders from around the state of Wyoming determines if a candidate is an appropriate fit for the department and for state law enforcement.
The written tests are developed and graded by a third party company. The assessment centers, both first line and mid-level, are conducted by the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police.
These practices greatly reduce the risks of possible bias in the promotion process as well as ensuring a consistent law enforcement testing process throughout the state of Wyoming SPD Captain Tom Ringley said.