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Firefighters Put Out Blaze Within Mobile Home South Of Sheridan

Sheridan Fire-Rescue (SFR) and Goose Valley Fire Department responded to 5901 Coffeen Ave. #106 at 10:50am Sunday (February 19th) for the report of a fire in a residential structure.
SFR Engine 2 (E-2) arrived on scene at 10:59 finding a single story mobile home with a moderate amount of fire and smoke showing from the rear half of the home.
E-2’s crew deployed a preconnected handline to initiate fire attack starting on the exterior and then transitioning inside to control the main body of fire.
SFR confirmed all residents and pets were out of the home. Wyoming Regional EMS responded to standby for civilian and firefighter safety.
Goose Valley Fire Department responded to provide water supply and additional personnel.
E-2’s crew found a majority of fire in the middle bedroom with extension of heat and smoke throughout the trailer.
The fire was brought under control and the crew transitioned to checking for extension of fire into adjacent areas of the building.
Fire crews conducted a search of the main floor to confirm there were no other occupants or pets still inside, finding no one.
The building was systematically ventilated and overhauled to remove all residual smoke, heat, and the potential for rekindle.
The scene was turned over to the State Fire Marshal Office Investigator and is currently under investigation.
Four people are currently displaced due to the extent of damage to the trailer.
No civilians, pets, or emergency personnel were injured during this fire.
SFR continues to stress the importance of closing doors when evacuating from a structure fire.
A closed door creates a compartment and limits the fresh air that the fire needs to continue to grow.