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Some Voters Joke With Their Votes On The Ballot

When it comes to casting a ballot for the election, not only is everyone exercising their right to vote, a few also exercise either their sense of humor, or their sense of sarcasm.
In every political race that’s on a ballot, there’s a spot marked either ‘write-in’ or ‘other’ if voters want to vote for someone or something that’s not listed.
Whether it’s a real or fictional name and regardless if the person associated with that name is alive or not, ballot counters have to count it.
Sheridan County Clerk Eda Thompson says names of write-in candidates aren’t published unless that candidate wins, and accepts the position that they were campaigning for.
She adds that vote counters have seen a little bit of everything over the years.
“For the primary, we saw several interesting comical names and we also saw some well thought out serious names, so we’ve seen both. Personally I’ve noticed in the past we’ve seen Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.”
In a statewide election race, county clerks have to submit anyone’s name who ends up in the write-in spot, to the Secretary of State’s office.